From the Principal  

 Mr David Smith

UNSUNG HEROES - The Heart of a School Community


In this week of Wellbeing it is good to reflect that Calrossy, like many schools is full of unsung heroes, inspirational people who have a profound impact on students, fostering a sense of community and offering unexpected moments of kindness towards colleagues and students. We often underestimate the far-reaching ripple effect we all have in shaping the hearts, minds, and spirits of our school community. 


In an interview with W Magazine, the actress Emily Blunt revealed how, between the ages of 7 and 14, she developed a crippling stutter that had her struggling to even hold a simple conversation. She said: “I was a smart kid and had a lot to say, but I just couldn't say it.” For Blunt, it was one high school teacher in particular that she claims helped her overcome her fear of speaking. The teacher encouraged her to try out for the school play. At first, Blunt resisted the idea, but the teacher wouldn't give up on her and coaxed her to take acting lessons and experiment with different accents and character voices to help express herself. Not only did Emily Blunt become a highly successful actress, she is also on the Board of Directors for the American Institute for Stuttering. All because one teacher refused to give up on her! 


In schools, we shape young lives across multiple dimensions. Academic knowledge is just one piece of the puzzle. Schools can nurture a student's sense of belonging, their physical wellbeing, emotional intelligence, and even spiritual growth. Every interaction, every lesson, has the potential to leave a lasting impact on who these young people will become as adults. According to ACARA, there were more than 471,000 school staff in Australia in 2023. That’s a huge amount of positive influence!


We have over 200 staff at Calrossy. They are dedicated and committed to best outcomes for the students and holistic growth and development. Forget laptops and tests for a moment. For many students, the heart of school lies in the people. Calrossy is a relational school. There are the teachers, who ignite curiosity and challenge them to think critically. There's the wider school community: the warm smile and listening ear of the librarians and front office staff, the counsellors who offer a safe space, and the groundskeepers whose friendly greetings make them feel seen. Our Boarding staff care and support our residential students in a very special way. And of course, there are the friends, the constant support system that walks beside our children and teens through every challenge and triumph. The unsung heroes of our school community are closer than we think. I am grateful for the many unsung heroes at Calrossy, student and staff and acknowledge them this week as we celebrate our termly Week of Wellbeing. May we continue to be an encouraging community that is generous to each other, reflecting God’s goodness to us all.


“This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you.” John 15:12


© Vital Staff Newsletter 17, 2024