Learning and Teaching Update

'We aim to provide a school environment where ‘Every person can flourish and be known’ This means that our teaching program identifies the unique needs of each individual student, and delivers a learning program designed to grow them into the best person that they can be'.

Dear Parents and Carers


It is Week 7 and we are well and truly past the halfway mark for the Term. There have been many wonderful learning opportunities this term and we have seen our students grow and flourish as the term has progressed.


As we approach the end of the semester, our teachers are very busy assessing student learning in preparation for the delivery of the semester one report. Teachers use a combination of standardised and non standardised assessments, anecdotal notes, and observations of learning to determine the achievement level of a student and future learning goals. These help to paint a picture of a student's growth and achievement that we get to celebrate with you as parents and carers at the student-led three way conversations. These three way conversations will take place on Tuesday, 25th June and parents will book a time through Compass to meet with your child’s teacher. At St Anthony’s, we deeply value and promote student voice, choice and agency and these learning conversations are an opportunity for our students to lead the discussion on their learning, growth and future learning goals. 


‘Study Ladder’ has been purchased by the school and it is a platform for your child to access learning at home through a device. Please encourage your child to complete practice tasks whenever they have the time. 


Kind regards

Glennis Kerr

Teaching and Learning Leader