Junior School

Premier's Reading Challenge
The Premier's Reading Challenge is a literary engagement initiative launched in 2022 to encourage reading and promote a love of literacy. We encourage as many of our Junior School boys as possible to get involved. We look forward to hearing some great results at the conclusion of the challenge.
For more information regarding the Premier's Reading Challenge, click the button below.
Dates to Remember
Monday 3 June: WA Day (Public Holiday)
Wednesday 5 June: Year 5/6 Winter Sports Training
Thursday 6 June: PSA sport vs Scotch
Friday 7 June: Junior School Music Night (7.00pm) in Gibney Hall
Celebrating Pentecost Sunday on 19 May, a significant milestone was reached as several of our Year Six boys received the Sacrament of Confirmation at the Cathedral. It's a moment of immense joy and spiritual growth, marking a deeper commitment to their faith journey. Congratulations to these young gentlemen on this meaningful occasion, may their confirmation serve as a guiding light in their lives ahead.
Year 4 Eucharist Retreat Day
On their Eucharist Retreat day, our Year 4 boys delved into spiritual reflection and communion preparation. Through discussions, prayer, and activities, they deepened their understanding of the Eucharist's significance and strengthened their bond with each other and with God. The retreat had a profound impact on the boys, sparking newfound understanding and gratitude. It was a pivotal moment in their journey towards receiving their First Holy Communion. With hearts full of joy and spirits uplifted, our Year 4 boys emerged from the retreat ready to embark on their spiritual journey with reverence and enthusiasm.
Music Night
Next Friday evening, the Junior School Music Night will take place. There will be both large and small groups performing on the night, and it will involve most of the boys in the Junior School. Boys have been asked to be at school by 6.30pm with the performances commencing at 7.00pm.
Staffing News
As a large college, we experience staff changes throughout the year. We are privileged to have a team of dedicated and hard-working staff who consistently ensure the best learning outcomes for the boys in our Junior School. While we bid farewell to the departing staff members, we also warmly welcome the new staff joining us next term, bringing with them valuable experience and talent.
4 Green
Mrs Jasmine Filippone will complete her role as classroom teacher at the end of Term 2. She will then commence a period of Parental Leave as she prepares for the arrival of her first child. This is a very exciting time for Mrs Filippone, and I am sure that you join me in congratulating her and wishing her every blessing at this special time.
I am also pleased to inform you that Ms Kameron Bazzo will continue as the Teacher of Class 4 Green, commencing at the start of Term 3. Ms Bazzo will be teaching in a full-time capacity for the rest of the academic year. We thank Ms Bazzo and wish her every success in this role.
6 Gold
After a period of discernment and reflection, Ms Alexia Sberna has informed me that she will be resigning from her position as a full-time Teacher at Trinity College at the end of Term 2.Ms Sberna plans to spend some more time with her family. We certainly wish to thank Ms Sberna for the care and support that she has provided the boys in 6 Gold. We wish her all the very best for the future. The College is also pleased to announce that Mrs Petra Pierre will begin as the Teacher of Class 6 Gold, commencing at the start of Term 3. Mrs Pierre is an experienced Teacher and is looking forward to supporting the boys on their learning journey. We wish her every success in this role.
Junior School Science
Throughout Semester 1, Mrs Jacinta Mariani has been the Specialist Science Teacher in the Junior school. Working in a part-time role, Jacinta has provided many wonderful opportunities for our boys. As scheduled, Mrs Jacinta Mariani will complete her short-term contract as our Science specialist Teacher at the end of this Semester. We thank Jacinta for her dedication and inspiration she provided to our boys through the world of STEM. We are very pleased to inform families that Mrs Amanda Saracini has agreed to fulfil this Science Teacher role for Semester 2. Mrs Saraceni is a very experienced teacher, and we look forward to her working with our boys.
Extra-Curricular Club Focus
Nautical Club
The Nautical Club is a popular addition to the Junior School's extracurriculars. Currently the boys are enthusiastically designing and building popsicle boats.
Brass Day
On 26 May, a group of Junior School Students took part in Brass Day. This event offers our students a chance to showcase their musical talents in a relaxed and supportive setting, free from the stress of formal judgment. For many participants, Brass Day marks their debut performance in front of an audience. John Bianchini, a Year 6 student, praised the concert as an excellent opportunity to witness his classmates' performances and listen to the pieces they've been practicing in their music lessons. We extend our gratitude to Mr Steve Harmer, the Brass Coordinator at Trinity College, for organising the concert.
Mrs Holly Allen
Acting Head of Junior School