Principal's Message

Trinity for Tomorrow
Earlier this week, all families would have received an Electronic Letter and various social media posts inviting you to watch the Trinity for Tomorrow video. Follow up communications will be forthcoming as we seek to engage our community in reflecting on over sixty years of development at our East Perth campus, in acknowledging our wonderful history of giving, and to give some consideration to supporting our plans and aspirations for building a successful and sustainable future for Trinity College.
While I hope that you enjoy the celebration and messages within this video montage, I now respectfully ask that families respond to the call to action and consider making a voluntary tax-deductible donation to the Trinity College Building Fund. With the end of financial year upon us, we are hoping that families may seek to support the College with current and future building projects.
The Capital and Planning Committee (a sub-committee of the College Advisory Council) comprises parents and friends of the College and has a brief to oversee and plan future capital developments. The Committee has been very active in consulting with Government Authorities, Councils, Developers and our close neighbours in approving current projects and planning for future builds. While the College is very near to completing a formalised Lease arrangement for the use of playing fields on the Waterbank site (between the College and the Causeway), it has been very pleasing to see that work has already commenced on the site.
Discussions continue in maintaining our important position within the East Perth Re-development Program. Future planning is ongoing with a view to providing contemporary learning areas and utilising our Swan River frontage, all as part of the designed works for the area. More immediately, plans are currently being finalised for an ongoing Classroom Refurbishment program, with the first stages to commence later this year, and our wonderful Swimming Pool is being fully re-lined and upgraded.
These are exciting times for the College and, as in the past, we are reaching out to the TC Community for support of our various initiatives. Your contributions to this Building Fund, whether big or small, will allow us to continue to work with our families and our wider community in building a successful future for Trinity College - a Trinity for Tomorrow!
Thank you for your ongoing support.
Mr Darren O’Neill