From the Principal
Welcome back to Term 2, we hope everyone had a relaxing break and ready for the long term ahead.
The Term 2 calendar is full of events. The Grade 5 students and teachers left for camp Manyung on Wednesday. Two police officers came out to the school on Tuesday and spoke with the Grade 5 and 6 students about cyber safety. Grade 5 and 6 students will participate in an incursion about positive peer relationships, Grade 6 students also have a space incursion this term. The foundation students will enjoy breakfast at school, alphabet day and a prep parent’s picnic in the last week of term. The Grade 4’s have an excursion to Healesville as well as an incursion. The Grade 3 students will venture to the museum. The aerobics team have regionals next week, cross country is next month as well as the mothers’ day stall and breakfast.
Congratulations to Gareth Snow who is Acting Assistant Principal this term replacing Jarrod Bainbridge.
A Curriculum Day has been approved for Monday 24th June. In consultation with staff this day will be used as a half day planning in preparation for Term 3 and teacher interviews from 1pm - 6:00pm.
We had a visit from our Senior Education Improvement Leader (SEIL) today. Tim met with the leadership group, where we discussed our work in the development of our knowledge rich literacy units, writing and the use of a WAGOLL (what a good one looks like) and the introduction of BAR modelling in maths throughout the school. Tim also had a walk-through Grade 3-6 classrooms viewing our literacy in action. Staff have developed and refined literacy and numeracy lessons over the last two years. The quality of instruction and lessons is a credit to staff and ultimately benefit the student learning at PPS.
Prep/Foundation Enrolments 2025
Enrolments for 2025 are now open for foundation/prep students. We will hold an information session for prospective parents on Monday 22nd April. We have held numerous tours in Term 1 and will continue these during Term 2. There will be an open morning for prospective parents on Wednesday 15th May from 9:15am to 11am.
To our current families with a child/children commencing Prep in 2025, please ensure you fill out the enrolment form and return to the office by the due date, 26th July.
Year 6 to 7 Transition Information
The Grade 6 team sent via compass on Monday information regarding Year 7 secondary school placement for 2025. If you are a parent of a Grade 6 child and have not read compass, please make time to do this. Students were given an application form for Year 7 placement 2025. Parents need to fill out all applicable sections of this form and return it no later than Friday 10th May. Please ensure you read the information carefully and have filled out the form correctly to avoid us having to return it to you for completion.
Buildings and Grounds
Over the holiday break the Grade 2 windows were replaced, and new doors installed at the end of the corridor. We also had artificial turf laid between the Grade 5 and 6 portables and the Grade 1 portables. Next holidays we will tackle the area outside the gym.
Smile Squad is at PPS
The Smile Squad team from Better Health Network Parkdale is at our school between Tuesday 16th April to 21st May.
Smile Squad is the Victorian Government free school dental program. This means all students can get a free dental check-up, preventive services, and treatment at school.
How to access free dental care
Smile Squad need your consent before they can provide services. Consent is usually provided by a parent or guardian. Sign up to Smile Squad at:
Message from the Minister for Education
Click on the image below to view a pre-recorded short video message from The Hon. Ban Carroll MP, Deputy Premier and Minister for Education; which speaks to parents and carers about the importance of the second term for learning, along with a few helpful reminders
Kind regards
Leanne Bradney