From the Classroom

News from 5/6

Gala Day was a great success! Students had a fantastic time; they enjoyed themselves and demonstrated good sportsmanship. We are very proud of how the behaved! A very big shout out to our parent volunteers who have helped us over the term and on Friday. Thank you, Simone, Mark, Justin, Paul, Virginia, Elisa, Tozzy and Lyn! For anyone else interested in volunteering on a Friday next term, our sports are, Volleybounce, Soccer, Netball and Hotshots. We would really appreciate any support you can provide us!


In English, we are continuing to look at narratives and persuasive text. Our focus is sentence structure and engaging vocabulary. In Literacy, we are investigating the origins of words, reviewing certain grammar aspects and working on our fluency as we read humorous poetry aloud.


In Maths, we are continuing to investigate area and perimeter and we are reviewing how to calculate change and finding discounts. We will also exploring 3D shapes. Any student that can find the answer to this PEMDAS question will receive 10,000 house points. 25 + (3x10) - 5.


Term 1 has flown by! Sheena and I can not believe how quickly it has gone! We hope you have a great break and your children come back refreshed and ready to learn!

What's happening in 3/4

What a brilliant bunch of students we have in 3/4! This last fortnight, our students resilience, grit and adaptability have been tested during the NAPLAN testing period. Our sweet grade 4 students spent some time writing an encouraging letter and affirmation posters to display around the classroom during the testing period. We are so inspired by the thoughtfulness of our students supporting each other through this time. We are also so proud of the year 3 students in their efforts during the testing time, they are superstars!

During our English unit we have been continuing to study out novel Matilda, with a specific focus on character analysis and deepening our understanding of the text through descriptive topic sentences.


In Maths we have been diving deep into rich tasks which develop their problem solving skills through strategic game play. Students have also been developing their addition and subtraction skills, using a range of strategies doubles, near doubles and algorithms to name a few.


Thank you to all of the families who supported their child in completing their first homework for the year! We were so impressed with the effort they put into their activities. This weeks' homework has been sent out and due the last day of school next week.


Our students have been continuing to explore their character strengths. We have unpacked the strengths of Perseverance, Social Intelligence, Teamwork, Humility recently. We loved seeing them put their character strengths to the test in our lessons, especially our Teamwork lesson where they all worked together to try and build a tower taller than the tallest member in their group. Our students are great at taking turns, listening to one another and being flexible.


Adventures of 1/2

We have had a very busy 2 weeks across the 1/2 classes! In English, we have been using adjectives to describe nouns in our writing. We have been learning about different character traits and creating our own character with a unique personality. We created friendly ghosts, evil robots, brave princesses, magical wizards and many more!


In Maths, 1/2 students have worked hard solving addition and subtraction problems using a variety of strategies. We have investigated 2D and 3D shapes, naming their features and finding them around our school.


Students in 1/2 had fun learning about Harmony Day, and the importance of inclusiveness, respect and making everyone feel like they belong. We also enjoyed Happiness Day, where we shared what makes us happy and what can makes us smile.


We wish all families a fun and safe holiday break and we look forward to sharing some stories when we return!




Fantastic Foundation

Foundation have been very busy learning their phoneme sounds we have now been introduced to the letters s,a,t,p,i,n,m,d,g,o and their sound. We have been very busily learnign how to segment words by saying each letter sound and then blending it together. Students have had fun playing memory to learn phonemes and find and cover to read words.  In English, we have been learning how add labels to our writing, to use a magic squiggle ~~ to show sounds that we don't know yet. They are becoming very brave in having a go at writing.


In Maths, Foundation students have been learnign about height. We hve had lots of fun comparing which 'fuzzy friends' soft toys were taller and shorter and recording our findings. Students loved learning about famous tall buildings and there are many with an amazing knowledge of the world. We then made our very own towers and drew a symbol to show which was tallest. Foundation students continue to practice their number skills in counting and subitising. Well done Foundation!


This week we have had fun in learning what Harmony Day is and that it is important to show respect and include people from all backgrounds. 


It is hard to believe that Foundation has finished a whole term of school. Have a great break and I look forward to seeing everyone comeback refreshed. 


Physical Education

Divisional Swimming Carnival. 

The following students Hannah D, Heidi R, Oscar B and Annabelle V competed in the 50m freestyle relay at Divisional Swimming at Aquanation. Oscar B and Heidi R also competed in individual 50m events.  

No medals this time but spirits were high and they all had a good time. 

Congratulations to all and thank you again to Robyn Revell as the parent / coach/ driver.



Maroondah Region Girls Day - Mansons Reserve. 

Selected students from Years 4, 5 and 6 will be competing in an AFL Gala day at Mansons reserve . This event is to promote women's WAFL League and  many  girl teams from across Maroondah District schools will play on Friday 19th April.  MPS has entered one team. Selection and training commences this week on Friday. 



House Cross Country

 House Cross Country is on Thursday May 9 th during period 3 and 4. The event will run from 11.45am - 1.15 pm. This event is always a fun, sporting, cheerful, healthy event for the students. The students can gain points for their house. It is a great opportunity for students to achieve their Personal Best. Selected age group 9/10/11/12/13 students will be able to complete at District Cross Country held on Tuesday June 4th. 

Parent helpers and volunteers will be needed. Please email me  


Please note my working days at Marlborough  PS  for Physical Education are

 Thursdays and Fridays   

Bonny Chisholm /Physical Education.