Student of the Week

Congratulations to last weeks award winners:


 Week 6

 Katarina (Foundation) For showing respect during our lessons. Well done Katerina, you always remember to wait your turn and use mutual respect in our lessons. Keep up the amazing effort

Audrey (12A) working really hard in all areas of your learning, especially writing. Well done for trying your best and being a responsible learner. You are a superstar!

Leah (12B) You are always demonstrating respect in the classroom by using kind language, tidying up and always lending a helping hand! Well done.

Yvonne (34B) By producing such a well written writing piece in class this week! You worked hard and showed your understanding of sizzling starts and created an exciting introduction. Keep it up legend!

Sierra (56B) For continuous respect she demonstrates every day towards her peers and teachers and the way she looks after her belongings and how she cares for the classroom and school.



Week 7

Oliver (Foundation) By always giving your learning your personal best. Well done Olly on working hard and focussing on your learning.

Emmanual (12A) listening attentively to others and contributing great ideas to our class discussions. You are kind to your classmates and make sure everyone is treated fairly. You are a super star!

Daniel (12B) You have been very determined during learning new maths concepts and gaining different strategies to understand them. Great work at showing your initiative!

 Cadie (34A) always being such a kind and caring member of 3/4A! Cadie is the first to help someone in need and makes others feel welcome and included in collaborative tasks. Awesome work Cadie!

Oli (34B) By sharing your understanding of new spelling rules with the class. I am so impressed by your growth already this term. I loved hearing you accurately explain the rules for using a silent ‘e’, and then see you use your understanding to correctly spell words during dictation. Keep it up legend!

Brooklyn (56A) For always being ready to learn, actively engaging is class discussions and always trying your personal best. You have had a fantastic start to the year. Great job, Brooklyn!