Student Achievements

Jamie A, 6A
Jamie ran the short course (4.7km) by himself. It was the first time for him.
He practiced almost everyday then ran the course without stopping.
It's one of the biggest charity runs, called 'Run for Kids' by Herald Sun. It’s for the Good Friday appeal.
They made over $1.3M with this event with over 25,000 people participating. That is wonderful!
You can see Jamie on Channel 7 news
7NEWS (Melbourne) Season 6pm News Episode 77 Seven News Ep: 77: Watch & Stream Online Free | 7plus
You’ll see Jamie at 14:45 on the right side, behind two red T Shirt casters.
He finished the 4.7km run in just 25 minutes.
Jamie received a medal and was so happy. Then he went to the 1000 steps in Dandenong...
Congratulations Jamie!
Shunsuke S
Congratulations Shunsuke!