Principal and Assistant Principal's Page

Principal's Report

It’s hard to believe that it is the end of the term! It has been jam packed with events including welcoming our new Foundation students and their families, Our House Spirit Leadership Course for the Year 6 Captains, Parents as Partners Night, Undokai, NAPLAN, 5/6 Summer Sports Gala Day, District Swimming, Shin Taiko Performance, Cultural Diversity Week assembly, multiple visits from the Consul General’s Office, Year 6 Captains and SLC badge presentations, interschool sport, visit from Nakamura University, Parent Japanese classes and International Women’s Day.


Reminder Curriculum Day

Monday 15 April is Curriculum Day.  Students are not required to attend school on this day. Team Kids will be open for all day care for families that need it.


Last Day of Term 1- Early finish- 2.30pm

On our last day of term, 28 March 2024, students finish at 2.30pm. Team Kids is available from 2.30pm for families who need it. Please book on their website.


Cultural Diversity Week

What a spectacular Cultural Diversity Assembly we had. Led by our School Captains, it was a celebration of everything special about Huntingdale- inspired performances, a parade showcasing our multicultural school community and a visit from the Consul General Mr Junji Shimada and his wife Mrs Karou Shimada. I feel so proud to lead this amazing

 school and celebrate the cultures on this special day. Students looked spectacular in their national dress. Thank you everyone for your participation!              


Reminder- School Review Survey

In Term 3, Huntingdale Primary School will undertake its school review. This occurs every four years and is a part of the School Improvement Cycle. As part of the process, the school completes a ‘Pre-Review Self Evaluation’ and collects data from many sources to reflect on the last four years at Huntingdale and to help improve and inform future directions of our school.


We would greatly appreciate your feedback by answering the following questions to help shape our school review. The survey can be found at:


This survey will close on Thursday 28 March 2024. Thank you for taking the time to give us your responses.


Homework Policy Consultation

The school has updated the Homework Policy (attached). There are only minor changes to the existing policy.  We invite you to complete a survey and give feedback on this policy using the link below:

This survey closes on Thursday 28 March 2024. We look forward to receiving your feedback. 


Year 6-7 Transition Information Evening

The school is holding a parent information session about year 6-7 transition.

This is a good opportunity for Year 4 & 5 parents to understand the process and to answer any questions Year 6 parents have.

This meeting will be done via zoom so that as many parents as possible can attend. The details are below:

Date:   Wednesday 17 April

Time:   6.30pm

Zoom details:

Meeting ID:    857 8440 9488

Passcode:       0J9AAt

We look forward to seeing you there.


Reminder: Parking in Clarendon Avenue

We have noticed that parents are parking in the driveway that leads into the school in Clarendon Avenue. This blocks the footpath and is also a hazard to pedestrians when reversing out. Please don’t park there. It is not a car park. Please keep our students and school community safe.


Term 2 Assemblies

A reminder about assemblies for Term 2:

April 22nd- 2.35pm

13 May- 2.35pm

27 May- 2.35pm

17 June- 2.35pm

28th June- 1.35pm


I hope everyone has a restful term break. We will see you back for Term 2 on Tuesday 16 April.


Ruth Biddle



Assistant Principal’s Report

It’s the last week of Term. Our Grade 6 leaders are becoming more confident at standing up in front of the school and are working hard to be good role models and look after our new Foundation students well. We celebrated Cultural Diversity week last week. If you would to send in a family photo with you in cultural clothes, we would like to display it for everyone to see.


Cultural Diversity Week

Please find links below to the Consul-General’s Facebook and Twitter pages in relation to their participation in our celebration on 18th March.






Library Sessions

Our library is open every day at lunchtime for all children to visit.


Students are able to borrow and return books between 1.40pm to 2.00pm each day and then between 2pm and 2.30pm, just do some quiet reading and browsing.


School Uniform

During my time on yard duty I have been reminding students about wearing school uniform. Students who have been wearing items that are not school colours have been asked to remove them and not wear them at school. On the whole, students’ uniform has been looking very good, with most students wearing school colours with pride.

We understand from time to time children may not be in school uniform. If this happens, please write a note in your child’s diary explaining this. 


Student Support

One of my main roles in the school is to coordinate the student support services in the school- academic, social and behaviour services. This includes programs we offer ‘in house’ as well as external services provided by the Department of Education and other external agencies.


Generally the process happens in the following way:

  1. A teacher may have a concern with your child and will discuss it with you or you as a parent may have concerns about your child which you discuss with the teacher.
  2. These concerns are then usually discussed with me so a decision can be made on which service can be accessed and is the most appropriate for your child. Permission forms are then signed.
  3. Contact is made to the service provider who will then discuss the referral with parents and/or the teacher.
  4. A decision will be made on what sort of support the child will need. This could be an assessment, therapy, home program, referral to another agency or in school support.

This process is confidential with only the key stakeholders- myself, the classroom teacher/s and service providers.


Often parents will show concerns about other children in the school. We, as a school, cannot discuss the educational, academic or social circumstances of other children who are not your own or detail support services they may be accessing. This is confidential.  Please be assured that all efforts are made to support students in the school as much as possible.


Better Place Australia

Dania Ahmad from Better Place Australia offers the counselling service at our school every Tuesday. Flyers and further information can be located at the school office. If you have any questions about this service please come and see me.


Medical Alerts

Many students at our school have health plans and medical alerts. The school needs to have up to date and correct information about your child’s health needs so we can plan and act accordingly for a range of school activities. It is the parent’s responsibility to:

  • Provide up to date health/medical plans to the school for your child
  • Provide in date medication such as epipens and asthma medication
  • Ensure that if you child needs to take medication at school that this is signed off at the school office
  • Alert the school if your child’s health needs change

We thank everyone for their cooperation with this.


Please enjoy your holidays and I look forward to seeing everyone back on Tuesday 16th April.


Naomi Mori-Hanazono

Assistant Principal