Holy Cross News and Reminders

What's happening next week.....

Monday 25th 

School Photo Day

Maintenance Meeting 6.00pm

Tuesday 26thRegional Swimming
Wednesday 27thEaster Raffle Tickets due back today
Thursday 28th

Uniform Shop open at 8.30am

Whole School Cross Country

Last Day of Term 1, school finishes at 2.30pm

Easter Raffle drawn at assembly 2.00pm

Friday 29thGOOD FRIDAY

News and Reminders

Chicken Carers over the holidays.

We need a couple of families to look after our chickens over the holidays.

Please give us a call in the office if you can help. 54208100. Thanks



*Assembly today at 3.00pm. Our Year 3's are hosting our bake stall today after assembly outside the canteen.


*A reminder that School Photo Day is on this Monday 25th March. Students need to be in full summer uniform and bring a jumper. All orders are to be completed online at: https://eliteschoolphotography.com.au/    and enter code: ESP202515


*The Gisborne Transit bus is unfortunately unable to adjust their timetable to collect school children at the early finish of 2.30pm next Thursday 28th March.

We have been advised that the service will still have to run to their existing timetable therefore families that use this service will need to make other arrangements to collect their children on this day. Mt Macedon and Woodend buses will not be servicing Holy Cross on Wednesday 27th March as Gisborne Secondary College have a student free day.


*Easter Raffle tickets are due back on Wednesday 27th March. There are still plenty of extra raffle tickets in the office if you would like more to sell. Last day for Easter egg donations is this coming Tuesday 26th March. The raffle will be drawn at assembly on the last day of term at 2.00pm.



*Our whole school Cross Country event will take place next Thursday 28th March. On Cross Country Day, all children are required to wear their sports uniform to school - they may wish to indulge in a splash of colour to represent their house in the form of headbands/ribbons/socks etc. The Parent and Friends Association (PFA) will be generously providing a sausage sizzle for all children on Cross Country Day. 

Please ensure your child/ren still bring a packed lunch to school. 


*The Uniform Shop will be open next Thursday morning at 8.30am if anyone is requiring any winter uniform.