Principal's Item 

Message from the Principal

Dear parents, carers and friends of EEPS,

I hope that you were able to have some enjoyable time together as a family over the recent long weekend, despite the extreme heat. 


Staff news

I am delighted to inform the community that Alex Harriman had a healthy baby boy, Reuben, born last Thursday. Congratulations to Alex and Charlie and we wish you all the best as your life changes forever!











Crossing Update

During my recent absence we have another new School Crossing Supervisor appointed for the lower Grove Street crossing. Welcome to Brooklyn, who joins Bill (upper Grove Street). Brooklyn is enjoying his time on the crossing and getting to know our students and families.


Ramp update

When we started the ramp project I had every intention of keeping everyone informed on the schedule and which part of the school the builders were up to, then two things happened. One, I was on leave, and two, the builders didn’t stick to any schedule! 

So, we will all just need to be flexible and navigate our way around the building developments as we go. Thank you to everyone for your patience.



This week our Year 3 and 5 students commence the NAPLAN assessments, which we run over the next two weeks in order to space out the assessments and allow for a sharing of the devices. In 2024 all the NAPLAN assessments are now online with the exception of the Year 3 writing assessment which is still conducted with pencil and lined paper.


School Improvement and the School Review

Last Friday, on our Curriculum Day, the whole staff spent a productive day further preparing for the school review next term. Yesterday, Mrs Vescio and myself also held student feedback sessions with senior students to hear their voice on our school improvement journey over the last four years. In addition to student voice the school is also keen to hear from parents. To this end, we have created a short survey to allow parents to have input into the review. Please take a moment or two to provide us with your thoughts. In addition, there will be opportunities for parent input next term with the review panel.


OSHC Staff

Whilst we have had some more new OSHC staff commence with the service we are still in need of additional staff in order to continue to reduce our small wait list on selected nights. Below is our ‘advertisement /blurb’ that we have used before;


We are currently looking for casual Educators to join our Before and After School Team in 2024. These positions would suit a person over 18 years old who has or is willing to obtain a Children Services qualification. Service hours are 6:45am-8:45am and 3:30pm-6:30pm. Interested people are invited to send through a cover letter and CV through to

Please call OSHC on 9431 2228 for more details.


Student Free days

Here are the reminder of the student free days for 2024.

Monday 25th March- 3 Way Conferences and Variation to School Hours day

Wednesday 4th September (day after concert)

Monday 16th September- 3 Way Conferences and Variation to School Hours day

Friday 6th December- Teacher planning for 2025


International Women’s Day- last Friday

Last Friday was International Women’s Day. This was our Facebook post

Eltham East Primary School would like to acknowledge and celebrate International Women’s Day today. We are proud of the equal opportunities that all girls have at our school. In 2024, we have two girls as our School Captains, previously participated in the GoGirl IT conference and proud of the equal opportunities that all our female staff have at EEPS and in the Department of Education. Go girls!


Have a great week of Learning and Growing Together.