Science News

From Nicholas, Science Specialist

Year 3 

We have been learning about how the Sun, Moon, and the Earth interact. We have learnt how the sun interacts with the earth and creates seasons depending on where you live. We have also started exploring the moon and its composition. 

Year 4 

We have started our Landscape change projects, we have selected a natural landscape in Victoria to try to understand both the natural processes and human activities that impact and area. 

Year 5




We have been exploring our solar system! We have been investigating space probes and designing our own to travel to a planet in the solar system. Thinking about a scientific objective and designing our probes accordingly. See Adil and his newly printed Neptune Rover.




Year 6

We have been working on a project to design a product that can help people when in different natural disasters. Take a look at Ivan and his amazing sketches and prototype!