Harmony Day

Harmony Day was held on Friday March 21. This year's theme was : Everybody Belongs. The ceremony began with the singing of the Australian National Anthem.
Present at the ceremony were Griffith City Mayor Mr Doug Curran, President of the Griffith Multicultural Council, Mrs Carmel La Rocca, the MCC School Chaplain Father Connell Perry.
There were wonderful performances by the Marian students which showcased their cultural background: Phillipinos, Italians, South Africans, Indians, Samoans and Tongans.
A group of talented artists performed songs and music for the ceremony.
A Flag ceremony ended the Ceremony with senior students proudly parading the flags of each country that symbolises the many countries our students heritage comes from, a total of 48 countries.
The extended lunch break allowed students and staff to taste the many different cultural varieties of food on sale.
A very large group of students enjoyed the lunch time dance-a-thon!
Thanks to Gabriel Abdala, Sanita Lole and the many staff who helped prepare students for day.
“Best Day Ever” was the verdict from staff and students!!!