College News

Uniform Shop Holiday Hours
Week 1: Monday 15th - Wednesday 17th April 8:30 - 1pm
Week 2: Monday 22nd - Wednesday 24th April 8:30 - 1pm
Vaccinations - Year 7 Students
Yr. 7 - 7th May - HPV & Boostrix - 1 dose each only- both on same day.
Vaccinations consents are now 'online' and instructions were
provided through Compass on the 20th February 2024.
If you do not have access to a computer or do not have a Medicare
card number; Vaccination Envelopes can be collected from our office.
Students are permitted to wear their sports uniform and it is recommended by Community Health to ensure your child has breakfast in the morning.
We keep in our prayers......
We keep in our prayers the family of Mrs Quarisa, mother in law of staff member Cathy Quarisa, Mrs Brooker, mother in law of staff member Wendy Brooker and Mrs Savage, mother in law of staff member Sue Hone who sadly passed away. We also pray for any member of our MCC community who are suffering illness and in need of our prayers.