The Governors Visit

Her Excellency the Honourable Frances Adamson AC, the 36th Governor of South Australia, who is the representative of His Majesty King Charles III, South Australia's Head of State, visited Aberfoyle Park High School to speak to our School Captains and the Student Representative Council on 20 March.


She talked about the following:

  • Her role as the Governor and how she used to work for the Australian Consulate in Hong Kong as a diplomat. She then became the first female ambassador to China.
  • Civic leadership and how important it is as leaders to make positive change in the community.
  • The role of high school in forming your value, goals and making lifelong friendships
  • The importance of harnessing your talents to solve problems.
  • Having respect for yourself and others
  • The strengths of Australia, a multicultural society full of people with different perspectives, values and experiences to bring to the table. Diversity is so important in our community.
  • As leaders we should use our influence to produce better outcomes.
  • The role of women in leadership and how important it is. The SA Government has made a commitment to have 50% female representation on all boards.

As an SRC we need to think about what we want to achieve. We need to empower and listen to others. As members of the SRC and School Captains are role models, and the Governor encourages us to

  • Work out in advance what you want to say at each meeting.
  • Ensure that you speak your mind in the meeting.
  • We live in a democracy that values freedom of speech.
  • You voice and confidence should encourage others to share their ideas.
  • You need to make a judgement about which adults in the school community you should raise issues with.

She encouraged students to think about what they are passionate about and where they want to make a difference in the community. The South Australian government is focussed on many great initiatives such as

  • Renewable energy
  • Defence
  • Biomedical and medical research
  • Agricultural production
  • Space Agency
  • Tonsley Innovation precinct.

She encouraged students to think about what worries them or weighs on them. Think about what you believe in and what you want to spend your time on? Things like

  • Mental Health
  • Climate change

The Governor discussed how students can learn more about Civic Leadership. She suggested the following:

  • Study Civics in school
  • Engage in Humanities and Social Sciences (HASS)
  • Do school trips with a civic focus
  • The best way to learn about civic is to do it. Get involved.
  • Make links with the Onkaparinga Council and the Aberfoyle Park Community Centre
  • Any structured organisation that you are involved in can be considered civic leadership
  • Your role in the SRC and as School Captains is already civic leaderships.
  • South Australia needs Youth Voices to help shape and plan the future.
  • Diversity, Equity, and inclusion are very important 
  • As a leader your first job is to take care of your own wellbeing and mental health

Our students were inspired and engaged in this talk. They asked mature and insightful questions and were outstanding ambassadors for Aberfoyle Park High School.


Ms. Dickeson and Ms. Hannaford were proud of each APHS student leader in attendance.