South Australian Autism Inclusion Charter

In response to Autistic and autism communities’ advocacy for improved understanding and acceptance, the South Australian Government committed to the development and implementation of South Australia’s first Autism Inclusion Charter (the Charter). 


The South Australian Government is driven to realise its goal of being a world leader in autism inclusion and be courageous in its efforts to improve the life outcomes of Autistic and autism communities.


In consultation with Autistic and autism communities, the Charter has been developed to put forward our shared values and intentions, and the spirit in which we will view change and growth towards autism inclusion. The Charter will enhance activities guided by the State’s first Autism Strategy and champions genuine engagement with lived experience to maximise opportunities for innovation and progress for the benefit of all South Australians.


The South Australian Autism Inclusion Charter was officially launched on 2 April 2024 - World Autism Day. At this event representatives of South Australian Government agencies marked their commitment to the Autism Inclusion Charter by signing the Charter and participating in Autism Awareness and Understanding Training, delivered by the Office for Autism.


The Charter reads as follows:


The Government of South Australia is committed to improving outcomes for Autistic people. A whole-of-government approach will enable a knowledgeable and inclusive state where Autistic and autism communities can thrive.


This Charter benefits not only Autistic people, but all South Australians because when we welcome neurodiversity and bring together different minds, skillsets, ways of working and contributing, we maximise opportunity for innovation and progress.


As a signatory to the South Australian Autism Inclusion Charter we acknowledge:

  • Autistic strengths and support needs are unique to each individual
  • Outcomes are most meaningful when we work together through genuine engagement and collaboration

The South Australian Autism Inclusion Charter sets out four principles to guide the Government of South Australia as we build:


1. Knowledge and understanding - We will build our knowledge and understanding of autism to inform the way we work

2. Wellbeing - We will work towards neurodivergent and culturally affirming practices

3. Connection and belonging - We will build welcoming and connected communities to support authentic autism inclusion

4. Employment and opportunity - We will work to remove barriers to education and training, employment and volunteering opportunities for Autistic individuals


This Charter was signed on 4 March, 2024, by:

  • Hon. Peter Malinauskas MP - Premier of South Australia
  • Hon. Emily Bourke MLC - Assistant Minister to the Premier, Assistant Minister for Autism
  • Damien Walker - Chief Executive of the Department of the Premier and Cabinet in South Australia

Free resources

To provide helpful information and guidance so people can make a meaningful start to building knowledge and understanding required to becoming truly autism inclusive, we have developed some free resources. 


These resources can be freely downloaded from - South Australian Autism Inclusion Charter 2024 - 2029


Printable resources:

South Australian Autism Inclusion Charter 2024 - 2029 - Principles for progress

Factsheet - What is autism

Printable resource - Actions for autism inclusion