Principal's Message 

Almighty Father, who sent your only Son Jesus Christ to save us from our sin, show me how I can honour you and bring glory to your name, by walking in the way of Jesus. Give me grace and mercy as I try and fail, guidance when I'm not sure which way to go, and wisdom to trust you in all things


             St Andrew’s Holy Week & Easter Program

 Holy Thursday 28th March: 

7.30pm Mass of the Lord’s Supper in the school hall - followed by 

Adoration until Midnight.

Good Friday 29th March

10am - Stations of the Cross at Bald Hill Park

3.00pm - Commemoration of the  Passion and Death of our Lord Jesus Christ - School Hall

 Holy Saturday 30th March 

7.30pm - Easter Vigil Mass - School Hall 

 Easter Sunday 31st March

           8.30am & 10.30am Mass in the Church 



Term 2

School Closure Day - 

Friday  26 April (Staff Time in Lieu Day) & 

Monday 27th May - Professional Development 


ANZAC Day Public Holiday - Thursday 25th April

Term 2 Commences for students - Monday 15th April

Sacrament of Eucharist Masses - Saturday 1st June - 6pm 

& Sunday 2nd June - 11am 

Term 2 Concludes - Friday 28th June (1.30pm) 



Dear Families, 

Holy Week Presentations

We thank all children, and classroom teachers, for the manner in which our children have led us through our Holy Week prayer liturgies.   For both children and staff these celebrations have provided a reflective lead up to Holy Week.    Thank you to all attending family members for joining us for these presentations. 


Please find below photographs taken of the Palm Sunday, Last Supper & the Stations of the Cross liturgies. 

Preps presenting Palm Sunday
Preps presenting Palm Sunday
3/4s presenting the Last Supper
3/4s presenting the Last Supper
5/6s presenting the Stations of the Cross
5/6s presenting the Stations of the Cross

Athletics Carnival - Friday 22nd March

Last Friday all students enjoyed a wonderful day of participation in the St Andrew’s School Athletics Carnival. It was terrific to see all students participating and enjoying the events of the day. Congratulations to Green House for taking out the honours of being this year’s Athletics Day winners.  Congratulations to our Sports Captains, Jada, Kenzo, Lachlan and Zara for the manner they led the spirit of the day. It is on days like these that we see the shining leadership capabilities of our students.


We thank Beth Kromer for the many hours of preparation that go into organising such an event, as well as all staff for the combined team effort in creating such a successful day. 


Athletics Team Result

Green House - 132

Gold House - 109 

Red House- 98 

Blue House- 96



‘Three Way Interviews’ - Sharing the Learning Journey

Thank you to all parents for your participation in the ‘3 Way Interviews’ as held last on Monday evening.   It was terrific to witness the shared conversations between student, parent and teacher and to see our children becoming active participants in their learning journey.   We hope that parents can continue to facilitate constructive learning conversations throughout term 2.     We thank the staff for so readily welcoming this initiative.   


Term 2 Interviews will take place on June 24. 


New Date for Grade 3/4H Interviews 

The date for the 3/4H interviews will be on Tuesday 16th April.

Parents can book for this event by clicking on the link below.  The interviews will be 10 minutes and conducted in the Admin area.


We apologise for any inconvenience incurred as a result of the postponed interview.  


Easter Egg Prize Draw - Happy Winners! 

We thank all Parents and Friends members for organising this year’s Easter Egg Draw. We thank all families who kindly donated prizes.   Congratulations to all of our lucky winners from today’s draw! 


2025 Prep Enrolments

HAVE YOU ENROLLED YOUR CHILD FOR PREP 2025? If you have a child ready for Prep 2025, we encourage you to put your enrolment form in as soon as possible. This will help us with organisation purposes. To access an enrolment form:

  • Visit the enrolment section of our school website and download an enrolment form 


Year 5/6 Camp - Date for your Diary - May 6th to May 8 -  Camp Arribri

Year 5 and 6 families please make a note in your calendars that the 2024 Year 5 and 6 School Camp will take place on Monday 6th May through to Wednesday 8th May.

The children will be attending Camp Arrabri - 450 Woods Point Road, East Warburton, Vic 3799

Further details, as published through an Operoo notice, was distributed to Year 5/6 families on Tuesday.



2024 School Calendar 

The 2024 School Calendar is available on the School Website. It can be found mid-way down on the front page under the heading ‘WHAT’S ON’.   We will endeavour, where possible, to remain true to the dates on the 2024 calendar. We would recommend that parents make a regular visit to the school website to see updates on all school events.




Crazy Sock Day

On Wednesday, we had our first CRAZY SOCK DAY to raise money for our friendship school in the Philippines through the KADASIG project. 

We have raised over $270!! Thank you everyone for your participation and donations.  

Here is a photo of our craziest socks:


Nicole Black and Emma Strom

Deputy Principals