Pastoral Care 

  • Year 8 Police Liaison Visit
  • Teaching Boys
  • ANZAC Day service at Willoughby Park

Year 8 Police Liaison Visit

Today Year 8 had the benefit of being spoken to by Senior Constable Lynda Hart of North Sydney Police and Senior Constable Jon Wilson and Constable Amy Quye of Chatswood Police about their experience and legalities around the use of technology for teens in their roles as police youth liaison officers. They provided some valuable guidance and advice on using social media, particularly around explicit material. This advice included important tips on what to do when this occurs, and the legal ramifications it can have as adolescents and as they move into being young adults. This advice, whilst confronting, was certainly beneficial for the students to understand the ramifications of online use. 

You may wish to have a conversation with your son around this area.  To this end, we provide some information below that may assist you. The summary below was recently provided to Mr Kovacic in an online seminar on creating positive peer relationships among young people in online spaces. 


'In today's world, social media is an integral part of our daily lives, and it will continue to play a significant role in your son's experiences. As they grow older, there is a natural inclination for them to rely more on peer connections than familial bonds. Research indicates that cultivating positive peer relationships, whether online or in person, has positive mental health effects for teenagers. By encouraging safe online interactions, we can help our young people feel more connected and develop a stronger sense of self and values. 

However, we acknowledge the challenges associated with managing social media and online activities. It is crucial for us, as trusted adults, to engage in open and non-judgmental conversations with your sons about the responsible use of technology. Research emphasises that one of the key protective factors for adolescents using social media is maintaining open and honest communication with a trusted adult. While it is normal for parents to react emotionally when misuse occurs, creating a safe and honest dialogue with young people is essential to prevent them from becoming secretive in their online activities.'

Teaching Boys

I read an informative article last week on teaching boys, extracted from the Brain Based Learning Manual by Andrew Fuller. I attach it below.

ANZAC Day service at Willoughby Park

Mr Martin Gillogly - Assistant Principal, Pastoral Care