
K-2 Class Awards
Congratulations to the following students who received a class award at Friday's assembly:
KH - Octavia Mayers and Harley Hampton
KW - Elouise Hampton and Kolby Rix
KMB - Luca Schadel and Noah Watts
1L - Aria Sullivan and Lennon Shipman
1D - Jarvis Brown and Harper Long
2RG - Kahli-Jane Allen and Darty Aslamatzis
2/3B - Bella Taylor and Brax Koster
3-6 Class Awards
Congratulations to the following students who received a class award at Friday's assembly:
3ML - Jed Shipman and Luke Kocek
3N - Kruze Barden and Letty Murray
4S - Oscar Brookes and Kobey Heap
4M - Sasha Sisson and Chase Andronicus
4/5WP - Ava Gee and Leilani Connell
5BG - Connor Kafer and Aurora Alam
6G - Mahli Plummer and Noah Devine
6D - Emily Donovan and Monique Dootson