Principal's Report 

Principal's Message

Boambee Public School Choir 

Last week our Boambee Public School Choir performed at the North Coast Primary Principals Association Conference. These students were awesome, and can be very proud of their hard work to perform so well after only 8 weeks together as a team. Well done Mrs Sciortino and special thanks to Simon Wright for his support capturing this special moment for our school!

Easter Hat Parade 

Thank you to everyone in our school community for joining us for the Easter Hat Parade last week, it was such fun! Please make sure you check out the great photos in the Easter Hat Parade section of this newsletter.


Today two of our Boambee Public School debating teams had their very first debate! The topic was "Homework Should be Banned in Primary Schools". Well done debating team!

Kindy 2025

Our Kindergarten 2025 enrolment process has commenced. We will have a "Come and Look" day on the 20th of June from 12:30pm until 1:30pm. Orientation this year will commence in Term 3, Week 4. If you have a child that will be starting school next year please make sure you have the following when submitting your child's application to enrol:


*  Proof of student residential address 

*  Birth Certificate or identity document 

* Immunisation History Statement (copy from MyGov please)


You may enrol by going to our school's web page ( and completing the application online or by downloading the enrolment form. Alternatively you may call by the school office and get a printed enrolment form.


Please submit your enrolment form as soon as possible so that your child can be part of our transitions program. 


The Boambee Public School transitions program is formally recognised statewide by the Centre for Education Statistics and Evaluation as a model of best practice.

We look forward to having you as part of our school community!

Principal's Awards

Oden Laurie 2/3B

Oden is working hard every day to have a positive day and achieve in his learning.

Theo Stein - KW

Outstanding hard work and determination at the working bee.

Miila-Jayne Dummer - 1D

Miila-Jayne always uses lovely manners with her peers. She displays a kind and caring nature always happy to help the students in the class.

Marlee Hornby - 3ML

For demonstrating outstanding sportsmanship at the gala day.

Eden Luckie - 2/3B

Striving to achieve learning goals and produce high quality written texts.

Mason McMillan - 3ML

For working hard to achieve learning goals in Mathematics.

Sofia Osterloh - 5BG

For being a positive role model.

Ebony Forsythe - 5BG

Being recognised by her peers for showing good sportsmanship.

Jedikiah Abercrombie - 3N

For always trying his best with a happy, positive attitude.

River Ward - 4/5WP

For being an enthusiastic and responsive learner.

Harrison O'Brien - 4M

Engaged and focussed throughout learning.

Tessa Wiseman - 1L

Consistently applying herself to improve writing.

Meilani Caffery - KH

Meilani consistently shows empathy and kindness towards her peers.



Declaration for Child Related Work

It is a Child Protection requirement that the school gets all volunteers to complete the attached form. If you volunteer at the school, please either print the applicable form below or call into the office for a hard copy. Your assistance with this very important matter is greatly appreciated.