Visual Art

Little bells of JOY! - Foundation Clay Bells
I was so excited to open the kiln this week. It is a task always filled with trepidation as you never know quite how things are going to turn out. The results filled my heart with joy. The brightly coloured glazed bells looked wonderful. After threading beads onto strings to hang them from they are now proudly on display outside the office window. Come in and have a look.
Grade 5 and 6 have been extremely engaged with their first major project for 2024 called 'Art in the Community'. They have completed the structure and design process and this week saw all grades very focused whilst painting their sculptures. I cannot wait to see the finished product.
THANK YOU: Volunteers in the Art Room
Thank you to the parents that were able to help out in the Art Room on Monday. Your time was greatly appreciated, and we were able to achieve so much.
If you can spare 20 minutes or longer on a Monday morning between 8.45am-11am or on a Tuesday between 2.15pm-3.30pm? I would love some assistance to help prepare materials for my weekly art lessons. Typical tasks might include cutting paper or materials, putting up displays or helping me sort out the art storeroom - no small task!
I would greatly appreciate any amount of time you can spare no matter how small. Please email me directly on or pop in and see me in the art room between Monday - Thursday.
NEEDED: Newspaper and large yogurt tubs with lids (see photo below)
I understand that physical newspapers are a rarity these days but they are a precious resource in the art room. If you still read a newspaper and are happy to donate them to school I would be very grateful. There is a box outside the art room office in the main corridor ready for donations.
Likewise, I am also seeking large yogurt tubs with lids as they are terrific to store paint in and also for papier-mâché.
New Art Displays
Come into the main building to see the wonderful new art displays. Look out for 'Ned Kelly' completed by Grade 1 and 2 students who were inspired by the artist Sidney Nolan. Also on display are indigenous inspired foam printing called 'Telling Stories' by Grade 3 and 4.
Art Smocks, Art Smocks, Art Smocks..............
Please make sure that your child has a labelled art smock at school. We are working on some very exciting and messy projects in the art room that involve painting, printing and ceramics and we need to make sure that those uniforms are protected. Thanks in advance !
That's all for now,
Lisa Trevorrow