Congratulations to the following students for being elected in the JSC and receiving their badges at Assembly on Friday, March 8th.
FKJ: Dakota C, Heather S
1PT: Celina L, Leia P
2LP: Sebastian D, Helena R
2MC: Liam F, Ali S
3AT: Alexis E, Anvay T
4JK: Ada N, Amelia L
4JT:Abby T, Athea L
4JX: Daniel D, Sofia P
5CB: Sophia Z, Yixing S
5CE: Mitchell T, Khloe C
5SB: Angelina Y, Nethnu V
6HR: Gabriella R, Sophie G
6LK: Elizabeth S, Emma L
6SJ: Matthew T, Eric W
JSC would like to remind everyone that a fund raiser for the Royal Children Hospital's Good Friday Appeal will be held in the last week of Term1.
Students will be able to wear casual or PJ's and are encouraged to bring a gold coin on
Tuesday, March 26th, to raise donations for this worthy cause.
JSC will meet again on Monday, March 25th.
Mrs. Higgins