Principal Report

Our school is located on the land of the Wurundjeri people of the Kulin Nation. 

Welcome Back BBQ 

Our Welcome Back BBQ is being held on Wednesday March 27th from 4.00-6.00pm, directly after the class Expos. 


Ticket sales are open and available through link.


We look forward to having all parents and carers in the classrooms for the Term 1 Expos. Come along and explore the learning your child has undertaken this term. 


Stay on after the Expos for the Welcome Back BBQ outside the Hall, a great opportunity to reconnect with parents and meet new members of our community. 


We will have a Road Safety Information Booth - they will be able to answer any questions about the Tracks to School brochure attached and being sent home with students. The Keen Green Team stand and our new OSHC providers TheirCare will be present so you can learn about the program which commences next term. 


This is also an opportunity to meet our School Council members who are organizing this event. 


Please ensure you book via this link to assist with BBQ catering numbers. 


RSVP is required by Monday 25th March 2024 for catering 



End of term reminders

As is our last newsletter for the term, we would like to wish all of our students and families a safe and enjoyable break. 


Over the holidays the Stadium floor will be recoated, our cleaners will be on site doing detailed cleaning tasks, Code Camp is happening and our maintenance person will have tasks to undertake throughout the break. 


Our new Out of School Hours Care provider will be moving into the OSHC space ready for a start next term.  

Working Bee 

Our first Working Bee for 2024 will take place this Saturday March 23rd from 9.00am to 12.30pm. 


We will be spending our time sweeping pathways, clearing leaves, pulling weeds and doing some light trimming. 


Getting our gardens back into order after the summer will enable us to get a delivery of mulch - we will then spend time spreading this across all of the garden beds. 


Sausage sizzle (sponsored by TheirCare) and coffee included! 


Let us know you are able to assist by following this link - Working Bee March 23rd  


Mother's Day Dinner and Stall 

We are still after a volunteer to support Doan in planning our Mother's Day Stall. 


She would love another volunteer or two to assist with the coordination. 


If you can assist please contact the office on 9857 5157 or email on and we will pass your details on to Doan. 


The Mother's Day dinner is on Thursday May 9th. Pop the date in your diary and keep an eye out for booking details. 


Advertising Boards - Help needed

Thank you to the family who has reached out to let us know they are happy to have an advertising board at the front of their house. We are after 1 or 2 more houses. 


Do you or a family member live on a main road? 


Do you live somewhere which has lots of neighbourhood traffic? 


Are you able to assist the school by having an advertising board at the front of your property for a few weeks? 


If you can assit please contact the office on 9857 5157 or email on 

Pupil Free Day

We will be holding a Pupil Free Day on Monday May 13th. There will be no students at school on this day, TheirCare will be running on this day. 

Our staff will be working with Bill Rogers, his work is set out around the following - 

  • Management phases
  • 3 step action plans 
  • The 4 Rs 
  • Language of discipline (set out below) 

TheirCare - Out of School Hours Care 

The Parent Handbook and Program information is attached below for your information. 



Open Day

Education Week is the celebration of State Education in Victoria. 


We will be celebrating Education Week with our Open Day on May 14th. This is an opportunity for new families to take tours of the school but it is also a chance for you to visit and see the school in action. We invite you to put this date in your calendar and take up the opportunity to see the school in action. 



Traffic infringement officers have been around the school in the last week or two. Be sure to follow the parking sign. 


More importantly do not park on crossing zones, there are clearly marked areas where you cannot park or stop when the crossing flags are out. 


Another reminder about the turning circle at the end of Bolinda Road, this is for turning not parking.  There has been some improvement but it is importnat we keep being vigilant about keeping our students and community safe. 

School Council 

The first meeting of our new School Council took place on Monday March 18th. Our school council members will be running the BBQ on Wednesday next week, be sure to introduce yourself! 


You will have received a WhatsApp message from Joe Cook our School Council President introducing himself and asking you to reach out if you have questions. See below. 

WhatsApp Message from School Council

Hi everyone. I’d like to introduce myself to those who don’t know me. My name is Joe Cook. I am the School Council President for BPPS. 


A group of parents/carers and staff form School Council and we meet regularly to discuss a wide range of topics. Some key items that we are responsible for:

  • establishing a broad direction and vision of the school
  • helping organise school related fund raising events
  • regulating and facilitating the use of the school’s premises outside of school hours
  • preparing the School Strategic Plan and reviewing the Annual Implementation Plan
  • managing the hire, licence and shared use of school facilities

There are many other items in the list that school council takes care of. If you’d like to know more, please reach out to me at


In the meantime, I’d also like you to reach me if you have any general questions about BPPS that would be relevant for the school council to discuss at our monthly meetings. One of our focus points this year is to build up our community engagement. It would be great to hear from you. 


Parent Volunteers

A remidner our volunteers need a current Working with Children Check and have participated in an OHS induction. Each time you attend school you sign in at the office on Passtab. 

OHS induction sessions will only take ten minutes.

BPPS Facebook and Instagram

Don't forget to follow our social media accounts and see what is happening at school each day. Boroondara Park Primary School Facebook

Search @BoroondaraPark on Instagram to follow the school. 



Susanne Lowe
