Grade 5 News

Important Reminders
Sun Smart
As per our school's SunSmart policy, all students are required to wear hats until the end of April 2024.
A reminder that homework has begun. The homework week runs from Monday to Monday. During this time, students are required to:
*Read 4 nights and record their reading in their diary.
*Complete activities in Mathletics that equal, at least, 750 points.
Please see your child's teacher if you have any questions regarding homework.
Congratulations to our students for doing their best to manage the tricky week of NAPLAN. It can be a challenging experience and we were proud of everyone for trying to be resilient and persistent. We were impressed with the calm and focussed approach students had towards the testing. Well done Grade 5!
Learning in Action
We have continued to learn about World War I through our novel study 'War Horse'. The students have been making connections to the text by analysing character traits and emotions and thinking about times when they have experienced these traits or emotions in real life through their own actions or the actions of others. We have also been practising our reading through 'Fluency Partners' where the students read a known text, out loud, to a partner for 5 minutes and assess each other on expression, speed and accuracy.
In our writing lessons we have been exploring narrative structures and planning
and writing our own narrative pieces using the narrative hill planning template.
Preview for Learning: Next week we plan to finish our novel study and make connections to our learning with an information text about World War I. Students will explore simple, compound and complex sentence structures along with subordinating conjunctions. Students will also complete and publish their narratives from this week.
This fortnight we have been working to improve our addition and subtraction skills. Students have been working on personal goals including the split strategy, estimation and using the written algorithm with both postive and negative integers. These skills build upon the decomposing and estimating skills we learned earlier in the term.
In our applied lessons we have been exploring 12 and 24-hour time and converting between them.
Preview for Learning: Next week we will be using our addition and subtraction skills to solve a series of maze problems as well as continuing our applied unit on 12 and 24-hour time. Students will complete a post-test on whole numbers to assess their growth over the term and will sit a pre-test on multiplication in preparation for our Term 2 unit.
Students have continued to learn about what it means to be an Australian Citizen, and the qualities that make a person a good citizen in our community through the exploration of a number of community volunteer groups.
In partners students are researching these groups and preparing a Google slide, poster or booklet presentation to share with our LPS community on celebration morning next Tuesday. We hope to see you there to share in our Term 1 learning.
This week we celebrated 'Harmony Day'. Harmony Day is part of Harmony Week and is a nationwide celebration of multiculturalism and acceptance in Australia. Year 5 students discussed the purpose and importance of the day before sharing the text 'I'm Australian Too' by Mem Fox and creating acrostic poems to share their understanding.
Other Information
End of Term Events
There are a number of events coming up in the last week of term.
Monday 25th - Easter Special Lunch. Orders due via Quickcliq by Friday March 22nd.
Tuesday 26th - Celebration Morning from 9.15am
Wednesday 27th - Cross Country
Thursday 28th - Happy Hat Parade & Easter Raffle. Last Day of Term. 2.30 dismissal.
Micro Mathematicians Extension Program
The University of Melbourne is offering a Primary School Outreach Program called Micro Mathematicians. These are online workshops offered to Grade 5 and 6 students in the school holidays that seek to extend and challenge their mathematical thinking and understanding in unique and interesting ways.
If your child is interested in applying for the workshops, applications are now open for the first workshop on Tuesday, April 9th. For more information, please visit their website.
The Micro Mathematicians program is part of the Victorian Challenge and Enrichment Series, and is supported by the University of Melbourne School of Mathematics and Statistics and the Victorian Government.
Open Day & Night
Exciting times ahead in STEM!
We are thrilled to share some exciting updates about our STEM program! As we continue to inspire and empower our students to explore the wonders of these vital fields, we are reaching out to our wonderful community for support.
Your generosity has always been instrumental in helping us provide enriching educational experiences for our students, and we are once again asking for your support to ensure the success and sustainability of our STEM initiatives.
Your support makes a significant difference to our students' learning opportunities and the success of our STEM program. Here are a few ways you can contribute:
Opportunities to help:
- Donations of Timber/Wood, appropriate for construction E.g. Billy Cart bases or other small vehicles.
- If you own or are a part of a company or business who would be willing to sponsor our engineering program.
- If you have connections with hardware stores/companies, helping us to make contact in order to obtain suitable engineering resources.
- If you have any household STEM-related materials such as; plastic bottles, milk bottle lids, masking tape, balloons, wooden skewers, plastic or paper cups, unwanted CD’s or DVD’s, Aluminium Foil please drop them off outside the STEM room.
- Construction Crew: If you're handy with tools and have some basic experience in woodwork or mechanics, we would be delighted to have your help in the upcoming terms to assist with our Grade 6 Science and Engineering program. Please email or
Thank you for your continued support,
Melissa Adams & Sophie Chamberlain
STEM Leaders
Lysterfield Primary School
From the Grade 5 Teachers
Karin Halstead, Ebony Waldron, Chloe McElroy and Zahra Harvey