Grade 2 News

Important Reminders
All important dates and events are on our Compass Calendar, please check the calendar regularly to stay up to date!
Wednesday 27th March: Cross Country
Grade 2 students go to the library every Monday. We ask that students have a library bag so they can borrow books to read at home.
Learning in Action
Students have continued to identify different character traits, creating a whole class poster of both the external and internal traits. We used the characters Buzz and Rex from Toystory to discuss the similarities and differences in their traits.
Students celebrated Harmony Day on Thursday and we read 'I'm Australian Too' by Mem Fox to highlight the importance of this day.
Our vocab words this fortnight were courageous and harmony.
Preview for Learning:
Student will be comparing and contrasting character traits of similar characters from different books.
We continuedconstructing simple sentences ensuring to include a subject, verb, adjective and punctuation. This week we introduced another sentence science card, 'Adverbial where' and students had to include the adverbial where in a sentence.
Our handwriting focus this fortnight was 'under the gate' and 'over the gate letters. They are u, y, h, m, n and r.
Preview for Learning:
Using a picture prompt students will continue to write simple sentences.
This fortnight we continued learning that the position of a digit in a number represents its value. For our data unit, students were given pictures and were asked to identify different ways to categorise them, tally the data and represent it in a picture graph.
Preview for Learning:
Students will be consolidating what they have learnt in our data unit to categorise, tally and represent data using different materials.
This week students have been rehearsing and finalising their presentations for open morning next week. We are proud of the way each student has collaborated within their group and the respect they have shown one another throughout this process.
This fortnight our friendology topic was Tricky Situations where students discussed respectful ways they can respond in a variety of situations and how to say no.
Lex Fisher, Taryn Bailey, Catia Anson, Rachel Manning and Kelly Reynolds.
Grade 2 Teachers