Weekly Student Award

Week 7





Prep AAImogen STeamworkFor including a new friend into her friendship group and ensuring everyone she plays with feels heard and looked after. Well done Imogen!  
1/2 NPAlex KOutstandingFor concentrating and being engaged with our noun work. I’m so impressed with the work you have done this week Alex - keep it up! 
1/2 PBFrankie SOutstanding For the amazing advertisement you designed for your never melting ice-cream. You did a fantastic job! 
3/4 LPHarrison SOutstandingFor your amazing work in our reading sessions this week! Not only did you demonstrate an excellent understanding of persuasive devices, you went out of your way to help others complete the task. Keep up the fantastic work! 
3/4 JSSophia SRespectFor always showing respect to your teachers and peers. You continuously demonstrate a respectful manner and should be very proud of yourself. 

5/6 JD 


Alethia OTeamworkFor amazing participation as part of the Officer Primary School Rookies Basketball team in Hooptime. Your improvement and growth in your confidence was awesome to watch! Great job! 
5/6 JDZSi ROutstandingFor your perseverance when using BODMAS and inverse operations to balance equivalent number sentences! It's fantastic to see you consistently rising to these challenges! Keep it up! 
STEAMAmira MOutstandingFor taking care in your painting and putting thought into how to arrange your colours. You created a beautiful background for your silhouette artwork, well done!  
SigningZahra AOutstandingFor completing set tasks to a high standard and applying extra practice ensuring you make the most of learning opportunities. Great work superstar.  
PEVada QGratitudeFor speaking kindly to others and using your manners. It’s great to see you participating so positively! Your Gymnastics and Skipping skills have been absolutely awesome!


Week 8





Prep AATeddie SOutstanding For pushing yourself this term to write a fabulous narrative that was entertaining, had amazing drawings and perfect handwriting. Well done Teddie!  
1/2 NPIndi DRespectFor always displaying our value of respect to others, their belongings and the school. Indi is thoughtful, polite and kind to all.  
1/2 PBSophie KTeamworkFor continuously being a team player and supporting your peers when they are struggling. Amazing work! 
3/4 LPEvangeline THonestyFor always discussing things in an open and honest manner with your peers and teachers.  
3/4 JSJensen TGratitudeYou always seem to bring a smile to mine and the class’s day! You show a great value for learning and the resources at school. Keep being a star! 

5/6 JD 


Jayden C



For always trying his best in all learning areas and for having a positive relationship with his classmates! Great job Jayden! 
5/6 JDZRyder SRespectFor recognising the appropriate moments to focus and give 100% in your classwork! You consistently model excellent work habits, showing respect for your classroom learning! Keep being awesome! 
STEAMHudson VOutstandingFor always demonstrating the OPS values and for creating an outstanding melting sculpture. Congratulations! 
SigningAalizah THonestyFor asking help when you needed it and using feedback to enhance your Olympic fact file. Your presentation was brilliant, well done! 

Amira M


OutstandingFor absolutely blitzing your skipping skills by jumping at the right time. It’s the best to see your great big smile - a fantastic representation of how proud you are!