Specialist Subjects

P.E Auslan STEAM


Following on from our Gymnastics unit, we have been continuing to develop our strength with a focus on 'Fun and Fitness'. Middle and Senior students have enjoyed participating in 'Fitopoly' which is an activity based on the board game Monopoly with the inclusion of exercises such as burpees, frog squats, high knees and push ups. 


Our Juniors have continued their Skipping skills with amazing improvements! Some students are skipping for the very first time and are able to achieve consecutive jumps with no mistakes! Other students are progressing to completing tricks such as skipping backwards and skipping in a circle.


CONGRATULATIONS to Connor, Taylor, Sarah and Rachel who have all progressed to Division Athletics in their retrospective events. We are so proud and can't wait to see what you achieve at the next level!



All students are gaining great confidence in their skills when signing about the Olympics. Our Junior students' knowledge around describing photos with different emotions has been really impressive to see.

Our Middle and Senior students are in the final stages of completing their Olympic Fact File. They have been busily learning how to communicate facts about their chosen athlete such as their age, event and an interesting Olympic fact.


STEAM: Science, Technology & The Arts

The final student projects for the term are complete! Our Preps and 1/2s created silhouette artworks. They learned about watercolour techniques for their backgrounds and then put their silhouette on top. The preps created a silhouette using their hand and the 1/2s created a whole body pose. The Grade 3/4s created a melted sculpture from clay to continue our learning from chemical sciences. The Grade 5/6s have finished their claymations on changes in state. This term, all students are creating evaluations/reflections for their art projects.