Senior School

5/6 JDZ & 5/6 JD



Reading: We have wrapped up our reading of the book 'Tomorrow When the War Began' and have now started watching the ABC TV Series which we will use to create comparisons between the book and series. 

Students will develop a book review over the last week which will demonstrate their understanding of the text and their ability to analyse various aspects of the story.


Writing: We have been working on persuasive texts most recently, focusing on the topic "Are video games and social media having a negative impact on children?". Students have considered for/against arguments before determining their stance/opinion. They have completed some research to help support their arguments and will put their writing piece together this week.


Maths: In Maths we have continued to explore equivalent number sentences in our number focus sessions. In other lessons, we have continued to explore transformation of shapes expanding to enlargement transformation and tesselation.


Our State Schools Spectacular students were absolutely amazing over the weekend! Six months of hard work reached its climax on Saturday with two huge shows! Our kids were hugely impressive, showing fantastic energy, enthusiasm, respect, trust and friendliness!

It was a wonderful experience and we look forward to seeing it on Channel 7 on December 14!