Art & Technology

Trails of Discovery  

Our Trails programs in Art and Tech have been a great success, with every class a flurry of movement, excitement, and energy. All three trails in our area will be showcased in the upcoming Art and Tech show on October 25, so please mark this important date on your calendar.

In the Art Box trail of discovery, students have been working collaboratively on a project that responds to the essential question, "How can we create art to educate others about the impact of pollution?" They have worked through a design process using their selected art forms to creatively convey ideas on this topic to a specified target  audience. It has been a fantastic experience to witness the development of leadership skills, problem-solving abilities, and communication skills. They are now beginning to apply these skills to designing and creating an exciting set and props for the upcoming school production.

In the Tech Savvy trail, students have been connected to the Banyule Nillumbik Tech School and Melbourne Polytechnic through an exciting Reimagining Melbourne Minecraft pilot program. The program developer, Carien Brown from Banyule Nillumbik Tech School, recently visited to introduce the project and help get the project off the ground. They will be focusing on redesigning a Melbourne of the future and imagining what it could be like 100 years from now. They will explore imaginary worlds by constructing an innovative future Melbourne with open spaces, transportation, residential areas, retail, landmarks, and tourism. 

Throughout the term, our  STEM Invent and Create trails students have had the unique opportunity to continue collaborating with Monash University in their Super Skills Program. At the end of this term, they will spend a day onsite at Monash, learning to program drones, 3D print, and laser cut, so they can incorporate these skills into different projects. It has also been exciting to watch these students take on challenges such as the Trebuchet Catapult, where they explored how far different weights could travel, and the Mouse Trap Car, which had them investigating friction and distance to see how far the car they designed could travel.

7-10 Art and Technology Snapshot

Heidi Pinder -work in progress
Lavinia Wellesley - finished art work
Atalia Kelly - work in progress
Heidi Pinder -work in progress
Lavinia Wellesley - finished art work
Atalia Kelly - work in progress

Our VCE Art Making and Exhibiting and Product Design students have worked hard to  resolve their final artworks and products ready for both assessment and the upcoming Art and Technology show. It was rewarding to watch them problem solving throughout their  project enquiries, especially in  the final stages so they could proudly present to an audience.  Our year 7-10  Art and Technology subjects  have also seen students focussed and engaged over the semester so far.  Please be sure to come along to the Art and Technology Show on October 25th at 6-8 pm so you can see all the wonderful and diverse work that is happening across the area. Students will  be showcasing their work to family, friends and a wider general audience including invited quests from our local community. I have included a sneak preview of some of the fabulous work happening across our area so far this term.

Protein Data Bank Exhibition Update 

On September the 30th the PDB Art Exhibition at the Wellcome Genome Campus in Cambridgeshire, England will take place. Kimi  Jiang, Tessa Slater and William James were selected  from WHS to be represented in this prestigious event so please watch for the link I will post in the newsfeed so you can virtually view it. 

Year 7 Collaborative Design Challenge
Year 7 Collaborative Design Challenge


Year 7 Collaborative Design Challeng
Year 7 Collaborative Design Challeng




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