Demonstrated Improvements @ WHS: 

Data Talks

As the Principal at WHS, I am extremely proud of our school improvement journey since I commenced in July of 2022. Working with our School Improvement Team, School Leaders, and all of our staff and students, we are now beginning to see some impressive signs that our focus areas are well targeted. Four of the data measures school use to determine improvement include: Attitudes to School Survey (completed annually by students), NAPLAN (completed annually by students in Year 7 and 9, based on Literacy & Numeracy) outcomes), the Parent/Caregiver Survey (completed annually by Parents/Givers) and the School Staff Survey (completed annually by staff at the school). Across all four surveys, the data tells us that we are well and truly on the way to our continued focus on whole-school improvement. The data talks for itself, and I present to you in this September Edition of The Gang Gang a snapshot of all four data sets, beginning with the 'Attitudes to School Survey' completed in Term 2;

Similarly, our 2024 NAPLAN results in Literacy were quite impressive, demonstrating that our focus on literacy as one of our core priorities is working - and our students are showing improved outcomes:


It was also great to see that the Parent/Caregiver perception of our school improvement journey has also greatly improved (note State comparison data not yet available):


And, last but not least, is our School Staff Survey which has similarly shown significantly improved experiences for our staff:


There are, always, areas for continued improvement however and our focus continues to be building on our successes so that more of our students have improved learning outcomes. We are currently thinking forward to 2025 and we will continue to focus on the improved Numeracy outcomes of our students, as well as all other areas as identified in our newly develop School Strategic Plan which will be launched following our School Review in Term 1 next year.


For now though, please join me in congratulating every one who has been part of our school improvement journey so far.


Mrs. Lynch