Principal's Desk

There have been so many highlights in this ten week term that it is hard to write about just a few. This edition of the Gang Gang however covers them all extremely well and I am proud to be leading a school that is on a continued journey of improvement. Through the introduction of our 'WHS School-Wide Expectations' earlier this year, we have seen our students develop an outstanding sense of responsibility and accountability to demonstrate positive choices and behaviours. Our staff have been working extremely hard this term to continue to develop important relationships with their students which is evidenced in every interaction every day that I observe. Being a small school we are able to work closely with each and every student to ensure we are developing not just an educational program that is suitable for them, but an experience that is built of trust, integrity and respect. It is fantastic to see both our WHS School-Wide High Expectations aligning with our WHS Wellbeing Framework and this leading to much improved outcomes for our students. Our most recent observations of this, and three other data sets can be found in the 'Demonstrated Improvements @ WHS: Data Talks' section of this newsletter. One highlight from Term 3 I would like to focus on is our production of 'The Wizard of Oz'.
Our students, once again shined on stage and we are so proud of all of them for the time, dedication and enthusiasm they brought to their own roles - whether a Principal cast member, part of the ensemble of the Technical Crew - you each did us extremely proud. I have no doubt, judging by the smiles on your faces at each performance, that you enjoyed it just as much as your adoring crowds did! I would also like to pay a special mention to Daniel Webber for allowing many of his magically talented primary school students from Andersons Creek Primary School to join us this year - we couldn't have done it without them. A final special mention to all of the parents, staff and students who assisted in the months, weeks, days and hours leading up to the production as well as our 'Fab Four' - previous students Curtis, Rhi and Amber as well as Gavin Andrew - who all gave up many hours each week to make the production the success it was. Check out the real below for some amazing action shots from the show.
Who knows what is in store for 2025....all will be revealed soon!
Of course the Kakadu Trip earlier this term was also a huge highlight and a memorable experience that - all who went - will never forget. Thank you to Leanne Zammit, Caleb Sinn, Vicki Boykett and Jake Newton for attending along with the students and taking such good care of them during this time. If you stayed up to date on our socials, you would have seen all of the amazing experiences they had, but if not, take a look at this real for some of the great pictures from this trip;
Our Trails of Discovery Program has continued to grow from strength to strength and a highlight this term has been our 'Beyond the Classroom' students and the work they have undertaken with various community groups as part of their focus on 'Responsibility in the Community'. They have been working with Landcare Australia, Rotary and cooking food for homelessness as well as starting the WHS Breakfast Club. Many students were also heavily involved with our 'WHS Environment Day' and further school improvement programs. I thank all of them for their hard work and determination through their Trail this term and look forward to hearing about their continued success in this area next term.
As we now head into the last few days of Term 3, it is important to remind our Year 12 students of the importance of the next few weeks as they head into their revision period prior to the start of their exams. I strongly encourage you to use your time wisely and have a strong focus on finishing your final year having given it all you've got. I, too, have a son currently completing Year 12 and know the stressors and challenges these last few weeks will bring. My best piece of advice for you all is to take this opportunity and make the most of it through revision and completion of practice exams, but also to go gently on yourselves; take breaks when you need to, drink lots of water and eat lots of good food and simply do the best you possibly can.
Looking ahead to Term 4, we will of course farewell our Year 12 students, but there are also many things planned at all Year Levels. Be sure to take a look at the 'Key Dates' section of this edition of the Gang Gang to stay up to date.
To all of our students and staff, enjoy the break when it comes on Friday and I will see you all - ready for another exciting term - on Monday October 7.
Rachel Lynch