Inclusion & Engagement 

Student Leadership Workshops

As part of our commitment to developing our student leaders we have commenced fortnightly workshops. 

Our sessions are targeted at students in Years 3-6 who hold a leadership position such as: School captains, House captains, Junior School Council representatives and Specialist leaders. 

Our intention is to support students to reflect on their skills as a leader, make changes to improve their approach and celebrate their development and progress as role models within our school community.

Below is a planner of what we will be working on during the sessions. 

Our first session involved students responding to sentence starters about their personality and leadership style. Students also began to think about and discuss their 'leadership legacy'; something they would like to be remembered for at Miners Rest Primary School.


Here are some of the students' responses:


"I want to be remembered for..."


Mia G- being committed to my job

Indi G-being helpful and organised

Layla P- being a good role model and helping around the school

Zoe S- encouraging others

Matilda M- having confidence and a positive attitude

Alex G-being kind and caring to others

Zoe W- always helping others when needed

Hamish P- showing determination

Jett B- always trying my best

Alby G- being helpful and caring

Ryan W- showing courage and being a hard worker

Harriet M- demonstrating dedication and being organised

Amilie V- my leadership commitment