Grade 5/6

Miss Stephan and Mr Ward, supported by Mr Reid

Canberra Camp - PACER Thank you!

During our Civics and Citizen Integrated Studies topic, we learnt about the key elements of Democracy and how Canberra became a city, and most importantly our capital city. 

Our trip to Canberra was significant in many ways and we'd like to say thank you to those who helped us with funding along the way. PACER (Parliament and Civics Education Rebate) is a fantastic initiative that grants us access to funding that subsidised your cost of the camp. Being located in their zone 2 500km + away from Canberra, the PACER rebate this year was $67.50 per student attending camp! We needed to visit certain attractions throughout our Canberra experience such as Parliament House, The Australian War Memorial and The Museum of Australian Democracy. Again, Thank you PACER!


In Literacy, we have finished off our unit on Poetry by creating Ballads about either ourselves or Australia. We are now moving on to our next unit which is all about Persuasive texts. We have learnt about the different language features used in persuasive pieces, as well as spoke about the benefit of each of these features. We are going to spend the week writing our own persuasive piece about something we are passionate about.

There once was a boy called Taiden, he went to school with Jayden. They liked to play football, but Jayden kicked one down the hall. Taiden rode a dirt bike and went on lots of hikes.  - Taiden


There once was a boy named Jack, he was a boy who never looked back. Jack loved basketball but when he played, he would always fall or even slam into a pole. Jack is a kid who could fling anything in a backpack. At school, Jack wanted a pool, it was boring unless it was pouring. - Jack


Integrated Studies

This term, our topic is Ethics and Emotions. We have been learning a lot about ethical dilemmas and worked in small groups to write a narrative about a character who has to overcome an ethical dilemma. It was amazing to read all of the stories! This week, we will be talking about what it means to be a ‘fan’ of someone or something, to do this, students will be asked to interview someone at home to learn more about them. We will then be sharing our findings with the rest of the class.



Our Canberra experience was a major success, all students behaved incredibly well throughout the whole week. We were very impressed with how well the students travelled on our long journey and only had a few ‘are we there yet?’ questions. Everyone stayed engaged and listened very well during the tours, even asking clarifying questions to the tour guides. It was amazing to hear all their highlights once we returned, the favourite one: Mr Ward being swooped by 3 birds in 2 days and then watching him run away and leave everyone else on the bus. It definitely will be a camp to remember and one that we will never forget. 


Well done Grade 5/6, we are so proud of you.