Grade 3/4 News

Loving learning every day with Mrs Jacobs and Miss Mawby!


We have been loving our new mentor text The All New Must Have Orange 430. We have been exploring the writing trait of word choice, and looking at words that advertisers might use to get us excited about a product. We have experimented with creating our own useless products, such as invisible flashcards, pencil sharpeners without holes, paper nun-chucks, and pizza that has no base, and choosing words that make our useless products sound exciting and "must have".




In Maths, we have been exploring multiplicative thinking, looking at multiplication and division. We used geoboards to create lots of different shapes, and explored the ways in which we could describe the size of the shapes. We used adjective like big, small, large, medium, as well as describing them in terms of centimetres, pegs, squares and fractions.  


Integrated Studies

We have been looking at Aboriginal and European perspectives on the European Settlement of Australia. We looked at stories and artwork from around that time period, and formulated questions we could ask Aboriginals and European Australians, and considered how it might feel if we were in that situation.



On Thursday we will be visiting the Art Gallery of Ballarat to participate in The Flight of the Bogong Moth. We will be leaving at 9am sharp, so please ensure that you are at school on time. We will be having lunch when we return  to school at 1pm