Grade 1/2 

Mrs McBride, Mrs Dallas & Mrs Bray, with special help from Miss Jenni, Mrs Harrison and Mrs Novinec

Book Week - Reading is Magic!

Thank you to all the families who helped with our Book Week costumes yesterday! Everyone looked amazing. We had dinosaurs, princesses, fairies, power rangers, footy players, movie characters and much more. It was a super fun-filled day. If you couldn't make it to the parade yesterday morning, there are more photos on a later page of the newsletter. 

Celebrating Book Week 2024

This year, to celebrate 'Reading is Magic!' in 1/2A, we read the winner of the Picture Story Book of the Year - Timeless by Kelly Canby. In the book, there were many great puns which made us laugh a lot. Some students even had a go at coming up with their own occupation puns! Take a look at our wonderful display of punny work 😁

Integrated Studies

The focus for this unit is 'Places and Spaces', by understanding what services are available in the Beaufort Community and the way the community has been designed so students can get the most out of living in it. 


This unit has been lots of fun, learning about who can help us in an emergency and investigating sustainable design techniques for new buildings, like the new C.F.A. Fire Station. We are looking forward to exploring more using a map of our community. 


1/2B would like to say a BIG THANK YOU to local private investigator and ex-police officer Sean, and to Captain Tony from the Beaufort C.F.A. Thank you for answering all our questions and showing us some very cool stuff. 

Swim Gym for the Grade 1 students

The Grade 1 students have loved their Fridays at Swim/Gym with the Foundation students. Watching their confidence and independence grow every week has been so wonderful. 


Congratulations to Ada who has completed 100 nights of home reading! 

Well done, Ada!