
Mr Shuttleworth


In the last fortnight, all classes have been exploring co-operation while making tangram puzzles.

The two main elements we've looked at have been:

  • How to communicate when you have a problem, and
  • How to work together when you have different working styles.

For communication, we've revisited the "Buddy Battle" framework that was included in last newsletter:

Some examples we saw in the sessions included:

  • "I feel annoyed when you snatch the blocks. Could you please ask first?"
  • "I feel upset when you distract my friend. Can you please focus on what you're doing?"
  • "I feel left out when you do it all yourself. Can you please make sure I have something to do as well?"

How could you use this framework at home to discuss when you have concerns with someone?


In the seniors, we also looked at "Compass Points" working styles and how that affects how people work together.

Some things we learned included:

  • Northerners are great for getting things started and providing energy, but can annoy others who want to think things through before they start.
  • Westerners are great for making sure things are done well, but can frustrate others if they take a long time to work out the details.
  • Southerners are great for looking after one another, but can frustrate others who want to get started.
  • Easterners are great for looking at all possibilities, but can frustrate others if they're being indecisive.

Have a chat at home about what compass point everyone is, and how that might affect how you're working together. There are no right or wrong styles, just different ways of working together.