Principal Message

Dear Families,


Book Week: Friday morning from 9.15am, there will be the annual Book Week Parade held on the lower basketball court. No doubt there will be some amazing characters on parade, and it may be noisy! It will be a great way to celebrate Book Week. Parents are most welcome to dress up as their favourite character too!


Giant Book Swap: Ms McKeon has been busy planning the giant book swap and it went off without a hitch yesterday! Thanks to all involved and we hope it promotes more reading and access to new stories.


District Aths: On Monday we had a busload of our athletes head off to represent the school and themselves in the District Athletics. Thanks to Mr Connor and Mrs Heffernan for helping on the day and ensuring our athletes got to their events. 


Father’s Day / Special Person Stall: A massive THANKS to Gillian Pollard who has put her hand up to run a Father’s Day / Special Person stall this year! After the call out last week, Gillian reached out and offered to run a stall. The finer details are being worked out, but in short, a gift to the value of about $7 (cash on the day) will be able to be purchased if we can get this off the ground. Gillian will no doubt need some helpers, so please call, email, pop in and leave your details so we can pass them on to Gillian and make this happen. Thanks again Gillian. 


The Great Debate: Congratulations to the Year 6 students for conducting a fantastic debate ‘Should OGPS have its own canteen?’ Our debaters were Buddy G, Xavier R, Hugo B, Matilda W, Sofia PL, Miranda P and our timekeeper was Hannah M.



School Council: Last night we had our August School Council meeting where various sub committees tabled their work and reports for over the last few months. Some amazing things happening in the Sustainability, Curriculum, Inclusion, Facilities and Finance Spaces. As always, if you would like to be involved in any of these sub committees, contact us and we can let the Chair of the sub-com know. 


Surveys: We have had a number of surveys out recently. DE sends out a Parents & Carer’s Survey (43 responses so far and it is still open) and I sent out a Specialist Subject review (closed now) survey. We have had 57 respondents for the Specialist Program, and we are now looking over the data that it generated to inform our decision making. I had several questions asked back to me via the survey and I have tried to explain them in a one pager later in the Newsletter. If it is unclear, please reach out for a follow up conversation so I can clarify anything. 


CCTV: Just a reminder that we have about 26 CCTV cameras around the school grounds so if you are in the school over a weekend and notice anything untoward, please let us know so we can follow up on the cameras and assist VicPol with any inquiries. 


Have a great week everyone.


Scott McCumber
