Senior School News

As we move through the winter months some students have not been able to escape the many viruses that are going around. We remind everyone the importance of providing a doctor’s certificate for absence due to illness especially if the student is missing a CAT, SAC or SAT. But also, and very importantly, we encourage everyone to do the simple things to ensure viruses and germs do not get passed on. For example, regular washing of hands and definitely before eating, not sharing food or drinks and disposing of used tissues immediately. Eat well and get plenty of fresh air.
Unit 3 & 4 Practice Exams
Students have received a timetable, via google classroom, for the practice exams that are being run in the September School Holidays. The students are completing their exams in their individual classes to ensure we can fit them across the three and a half days. This will also be shared with families via a Compass Newsfeed.
Year 12
The Year 12 students are now preparing for the final SACs and beginning the process of selecting courses for 2025. Ms Bouchier, the Careers and Pathways Coordinator, informed the students about the VTAC process for course selection and SEAS applications. It is expected that each student will make an appointment, if they have not already done so, with Ms Bouchier to discuss their plans for 2025.
Year 11
Year 11s have now submitted their 2025 subject preferences for Year 12. We can now start the process of building a timetable for 2025.
Emma Holman
Director of Senior School