Legally Blonde - The Musical   

On the eve of production our students share what being part of the school musical means to them. 

The Cast and Ensemble experience

Over the past six months (although they have flown by), the cast and crew of MGSC’s rendition of ‘Legally Blonde’ has been working hard to bring together what is set to be one of our biggest productions yet. It has been an incredible journey being able to collaborate with students across all different year levels. We have come such a long way from introductory circle time as the lead cast, to being mic’d up and performing the show in its entirety. Rehearsals now consist of completed costumes and makeup and only brief pauses to perfect the finishing touches. Watching it in its final stages has been so rewarding and we can’t wait to share it with you all!

The Ensemble and Eupporting cast have truly demonstrated the importance of teamwork because, without them, the show would not nearly be as immersive and astonishing as it is now. Passionate and excited, they bring such a palpable energy both on stage by never breaking character, and backstage with some really killer vocals. 

Our leads, just like our ensemble and supporting cast, are brimming with talent. Performing alongside these people countless amount of times has never failed to give me goosebumps. Their commitment to not only learning spoken and sung lines, but delivering them with such emotion has been mesmerising and I am left in awe after each run-through. I have also never known a group of people to so often give such sincere compliments. Each time someone walks through the door, it’s accolades and applause - a true testament to the kind, accepting, and encouraging environment we are so lucky to work in. 

We have truly enjoyed watching the cast grow closer during our countless 9 to 5 Sunday rehearsals and are so fortunate to cherish some very special memories. From whispered words of encouragement and impromptu dance breaks backstage during our favourite Legally Blonde tracks, to performing together under the bright lights, we don’t take the big or small moments for granted. 


Our backstage heroes, the true cornerstone of this production, are undoubtedly the crew. They’ve handled it all—lighting plots, microphones and sound effects, costumes, hair and makeup, props, sets and their demolition and construction, and even after all of this, they have maintained an accessible and organised system that ensures nothing is out of place. The meticulous planning stages were essential to bringing Elle’s world to life, and after countless hours of research and creative briefings, they turned it all into a reality.


As opening night approaches, the completed props and costumes carry a sense of anticipation, waiting to be revealed to our audience in just a week's time, but the crew's work is far from over. Dressed in their finest theatre blacks, our set crew is responsible for scene transitions, transforming the stage from Elle’s sunny Malibu sorority to the hallowed halls of Harvard Law, where she has yet to discover her hopes and dreams.


Together, this team has not only upheld the show's standards but also introduced their own MGSC spark, keeping the production engaging for new and returning audiences alike.


Last but certainly not least, to the teachers: Ms Connolly, Ms Jacobs, Mr Ho, Mrs Harvey, Ms Robertson, and Fiona Faulkes. 


I think being a part of a production of this size and stature was a dream that lay dormant within all of us, because never did we think we would be able to pull off something like this, and it is all thanks to you. 


With all of us being honorary theatre kids, it has been a right of passage to watch Glee, and there is a quote from the show that I believe really captures the essence of this journey. 


“Being a part of something special makes you special”.


Being a part of this production will no doubt be a core memory for all of us. The friends we have made along the way will stay with us long after the final curtain falls. The laughter, the challenges, and the triumphs we have shared have bonded us in ways that go beyond the stage. As we take our final bows, we do so knowing that we’ve created something truly special together and that the memories we have made will be cherished for years to come.


Thank you to Legally Blonde for making us all so, so special. 


Indi Roberts & Makenzie Sampson

The Band Experience

There are many different roles in a production, each adding their own value to the performance - we have had the privilege of being a part of the 'Legally Blonde' band (Bend and Snap). 


For us, this has been a time to challenge ourselves with other musicians who love creating music. Everybody’s support has contributed to forming an environment that has allowed us to truly develop our instrumental skills as we navigate difficulties well beyond those we face in other ensembles. It has been an unforgettable journey from our first rehearsal - in the beginning, we were having some doubts about whether this would come together - however everyone’s dedication has produced music that we believe accentuates the characters and themes in Legally Blonde. 


Over the time we have worked together in the band, we have made so many memories and lasting friendships through tricky key signatures, as well as fast paced Irish melodies. Our time spent on 'Legally Blonde' will be something that we will all remember past our highschool years and we one hundred percent couldn’t have done it without the help of Ms Harvey and Mr Ho, who we owe a massive thank you to for making this happen! 


Millie Bennet & Mona Walker (Year 10)