PFA news

It is always a pleasure to keep the school community up to date with how the proceeds of the uniform shop and fundraising are spent. The tennis courts received an upgrade of two new nets and the Year 10 Health and Human Development classes now have an additional virtual baby to treat as their own.
Legally Blonde performances
We’re excited to announce that during the upcoming Legally Blonde production, we will be offering a delightful selection of refreshments, including tea, coffee, juice, and a variety of cakes. Proudly baked by the students of the Year 9 International Food classes and the PFA Volunteers.
Time: During interval at all six performances
Location: Nina Carr Theatre
Your purchase will help support our performing arts department, with all proceeds going directly back to fund future programs and events. Come for the show, stay for the treats, and contribute to a great cause!
We look forward to seeing you there and sharing this fantastic experience with you.
Sharon Wright
PFA President