3/4 Area

 Denise Diamantopoulos, Sarah Cotton, Sil Khammy, Natasha McKenna, Monique Jones,  Nicole Riley , Maria Rizzo and Viv Matic.

It's been a busy end to Term 3 in the 3/4 Area! Check out what we've been up to.

Water Watchers Incursion

In Week 9, we went to an incursion from Yarra Valley Water where we learnt all about ways to save water. Here are some ways you can save water! 

  • Have showers that last 4 minutes or less (Harlan)
  • Don't leave the water running when you brush your teeth (Namika & Radwan)
  • Put 'Washy' on your tap to remind you to save water (Mac)
  • Make sure your dishwasher is full before you run it (Zach)


Discovery Open Afternoon

We were so excited to welcome our parents and guardians into our classrooms to share our learning from Discovery this term. We spent the term learning about Australian history, including life on the gold fields ahead of our camp to Sovereign Hill on the first day of Term 4. 

Here are some of the fantastic projects from 3/4E students. 

We had a variety of different styles of projects made, including clay models, dioramas, posters, booklets, online Blooket quizzes that showcased our learning and gave students the choice over how they'd like to display their learning. 

Spelling Bee

We ran our Annual Spelling Bee so we could battle it out and see who our year level champions would be this year. It was a tough competition, with everyone displaying fantastic spelling skills and a lot of learning through our Word Study program. 


All students got to be involved in the spelling bee with some fun games happening between rounds. Thanks to Miss McKenna for organising the games for us!



Congratulations to our new spelling champions:

Grade 3 - Thomas McMinn

Grade 4 - Rayan Anabtawi 



We're all looking forward to a well earned rest over the holidays and will come back with lots of energy to head to Sovereign Hill for camp. Tune in next edition to hear all about what we get up to while we're away!