Grade 1 Area

Mrs Amy Gagliardi, Ms Emily Giliam and Ms Elizabeth Higham & Mrs Sarah Castellas

Poetry in 1C


1C have spent the last few weeks learning about Poems. They have experimented with rhyming words and have written poems about different topics.

This week, the students got to pick one of their poems to 'publish'. This involved writing a good copy and typing it up on the Chrome books with the help from some very patient 5/6 students. 

Maths in 1C

This week the students collected their own data. The learning intentions included:

  • We are learning to Identify categories of data I could collect at school.
  • We are learning to develop a question that I can use to collect data at school.
  • We are learning to practise turning tally marks into pictures.
  • We are learning to create a pictograph using your own data. 
  • We are learning to display and discuss your graph.