BBPS Life: Focus on Writing

Prep and Grade 1
Term 3 is such a rewarding time in Prep as we observe our writers begin to 'click with the code', showcasing developing knowledge and understanding of the craft with improved letter formation, letter-sound correspondence, invented spelling that reflects key sounds that can be heard in words, and a developing repertoire of high frequency words. Below is a showcase of this week’s outstanding writers:
Louis: I liked to write about the crocodiles I saw when I was in Cairns. I saw 30 Crocodiles. I also saw 2 Cassowaries which can jump more than 2 metres high. I also saw a green tree frog. I liked drawing the picture and writing about my special time.
Leo:I wrote about the Dreamers football match and I got lots of lollies. I think I am getting better and writing. I like writing about my weekend when I am at school.
Skye: I wrote about what I did on the weekend. I wrote about how I took my dog to bunnings. At assembly this week I got an award for writing because I have been trying really hard to get better at writing.
Harriet: I really like writing because it is a fun challenge. I like to write about exciting things and real things. I wrote about how I had a playdate at my friend Genevieve's house.
Grade 1
In understanding the importance of essential skills in Grade 1 and how they set the stage for future academic success, we are constantly introducing new activities to meet the needs of our students and their genius. Most recently we have introduced “Silly Sentences.” This activity provides an opportunity to practise and master many writing skills.
Here are a few of our favourite bits:
1. Handwriting: Forming letters correctly and legibly increasing fluency plus develops fine motor skills.
2. Spelling: Using phonetic spelling as well as spelling common words to express their thoughts and ideas
3. Sentence Construction: Learning to write a complete sentence with proper punctuation and capitalization.
4. Creativity: Expressing your ideas, thoughts and humour in writing builds efficacy*. An absolute WIN WIN!
*efficacy: inner motivation vs empowerment: outer motivation
Kokoro: I like to write sentences and I like to be silly. My favourite sentence is about me playing tennis.
Jonathon: It was fun to write sentences because I got to add to the sentence with describing words to make it more interesting.
Ted: Silly sentences can be made up or real. They can make people laugh, but they have to use real words so they make sense.
Grade 2
Alongside phonics, we're diving deeper into conventions and grammar. Our focus is on understanding the roles of verbs, nouns, and adjectives in sentences. Students are also learning about synonyms and antonyms to enrich their writing. By using these language tools, they are enhancing their ability to create more vibrant and varied sentences. It's exciting to see their progress and creativity flourish!
Billy "We are learning to do persuasive writing. We have to persuade our family to get us a dog. The first step was to do a plan. I had to write an introduction and 3 paragraphs and a conclusion. We are practising paragraphs, persuasive language and rhetorical questions. One of my reasons was I think if I take the dog for a walk we will get more exercise." A great reason indeed!
Yundi "We were writing about the best Father's Day present is a dog. I would like to have a dog so I will do more exercise, I can also read the dog my favourite books and do gardening with her. I like writing and I want to get better at it."
Grades 3 and 4
In Years 3 and 4, we draw upon mentor texts that outline what an exemplary text looks like. This term we are focusing on perspective writing through a diary format, linking in with empathy and different viewpoints. We have made strong links to our Australian history unit, with students showcasing their understanding through writing. We have modelled and encouraged students to use descriptive language and varied sentence structures to engage their readers. Using the VOICES framework and Victorian Curriculum Standards, we have explicitly taught the structure of a diary entry.
Alexander, Ibbi and Charlotte:
"We are focusing on history with the first nations and the first fleet. We had an opportunity to pretend we were a european person who stole something and we are sent to Australia. We are looking at different perspectives so we can try to understand how it would feel to be a first nations person or a european settler. It was challenging to write a diary because we are trying to make it sound like we were regretful for breaking the law. A convict would feel uncomfortable and confused because the land was different, the weather was different and there were different animals."
Through the mentor texts, My Place by Nadia Wheatley and Donna Rawlings and The Rabbits by John Marsden and Shaun Tan, we have been able to use a quality text rich in voice and perspective to analyse text structure and voice. We have been blown away by the connections and understanding students have demonstrated by engaging with these mentor texts to create their own pieces.
Grades 5 and 6
As students progress into Years 5 and 6, their writing skills undergo significant development. They are now focusing on mastering various text structures and language features. We explore genres such as narratives, persuasive texts, and informative writing, while developing students' grammar, punctuation, spelling and vocabulary.
This term Grade 5 have been unpacking rich senior picture story books. Two of these texts are ‘Stolen Girl’ and ‘Salih’. We used these mentor texts as models to guide students in understanding and crafting their own writing. By analysing the narrative style, thematic elements, and sentence formation employed in ‘Stolen Girl’ and ‘Salih’, students can learn how to effectively convey emotions, develop characters, and structure their own stories with deeper meaning. ‘Stolen Girl’ unpacks important themes of race and perspective through compelling characterisation; and ‘Salih’ offers examples of vivid description and unique narrative voice to depict cultural identity and diversity.
Bella "We are reading a book called Salih and he has to flee his country because of a war and he stays in a camp. He meets an old man who teaches him to paint memories on paper so that people can remember their past. For this task we were asked to explain how one of the pages of the book makes us feel. I chose the end page and it makes me feel like something good is about to happen to all of the people who are fleeing on the boat and that they still have something to hope for."
Rosie "Salih puts the paintings of people's memories in bottles and throws them into the ocean. They get in the boat but the sea is angry and they hold hands to calm it down. The writing uses figurative and descriptive language to connect the reader to the story. When I write down my ideas about a book it helps me to understand the deeper meanings."
Liam "I started with a quote: 'The sea is angry for the homes we've lost. It rages about shattered lives. Our empty stomachs lurch and the blistering soles of our feet thrum.' Now this is interesting for a few reasons because what's happening is they're leaving their country by a boat and it makes me think about what's going on in the world right now and how us humans can't come to a simple agreement, and how some people are fighting and bickering. What I think this book is trying to say is that even when times are tough there are still people who love you, who you can rely upon and who can help you. Writing about the book helps me to dive deeper and make connections with what's happening in the world."
Grade 6 will engage with this unit next term - this term they have been busy writing their memoirs, an opportunity to reflect and document their time in primary school in the lead up to their final term at BBPS. Grade 6 look forward to sharing these memoirs with their families.
Natalia "Our buddies have come to visit our classroom and we are reading our memoirs to them. This might help our buddies to see what school is like when they get older. It is also an opportunity to test my ideas with an audience."
Other events and learning around the school and in the community
BBPS Teams at the Downball Australia Schools Tournament
Downball was an incredible opportunity to play against other schools, and it was so much fun to hang out with our friends all day. We had the best time and we had so much fun cheering for our teammates. We all got dressed with face paint and wore tutus or had streamers. Seeing everybody’s amazing skills and techniques was a true experience to be involved in. Watching our school participate in an event like this is something we are so proud of! Our grade 3/4 team made the grand final and did so well, their teamwork definitely paid off!
Bella W & Aubrey
Congratulations Vivi F: Vivi (4B) recently participated in the Australian Schools Cross Country Championships as a member of the Victorian Team. Vivi was 1 of only 6 girls in her 10 year old age group to represent Victoria. She placed 19th in Australia in her individual race of 2km. In the relay race her team placed 3rd and took home the bronze medal.
She had a great experience over the 4 day championships meeting fellow athletes from Victoria and the rest of Australia and making new friends. Well Done Vivi - we are all very proud of you!
Charli and Dancer
"I like to do horse riding because I'd like to continue the tradition of the Hutchinson Family in horse racing. Here are some pictures of me with my pony Dancer from earlier in the year. I've been riding her this whole year. I like everything about jumping because Dancer is a really good jumper and she likes to do it just as much as I do. My highest jump is at least 90cm. I'm really excited about the idea of becoming a jockey when I am older. " Charli
Visual Arts - Caring for the environment - Antarctic Penguins
The Australian Antarctic Festival which was held over 22-25th August. The festival had over 20,000 visitors to the event and Brighton Beach Primary sent penguins to be part of this iconic feature.
Please see the below photos of the grade 4 penguins that we sent to Hobart for the Australian Antarctic Festival. We were very proud of the Grade 4s brilliant original deigns using acrylic and water colour paints, and paint pens! BBPS continues to make authentic links to caring for our environment and the planet. Special thanks to Georgie Hellier for inspiring our students to have a voice through visual arts.