Leadership @ MPS

Thank you!
We would like to acknowledge the efforts of many of our Monty family members over the year. Parent and carer volunteers play such a crucial role in our school and we appreciate the time, skills and energy given. This year, the collective efforts of volunteers has definitely lead to an even more vibrant, supportive, and effective educational community for both students and teachers. For this, we say THANK YOU.
School Council: Thank you to our School Council Members for your work this year. Your commitment to our school community has made a significant impact and has been instrumental in fostering a positive and supportive environment for both students and staff.
SC - Buildings and Grounds: Thank you to Dave Koolstra, who has shown an unwavering commitment to ensuring the success of our building project. The impact of his efforts will be felt by the entire school community for years to come. We are incredibly fortunate to have someone of David's calibre work with us on this project.
Library Redesign: Thank you to Rachel Nelson, Mel Boschma and team. An enormous amount of thought and effort went into creating what is a beautiful legacy.
SAKG Helpers: For generously volunteering your time in the garden. The beauty and vibrancy of the garden are a testament to your efforts!
Parent Classroom Helpers: Thank you to the parents and carers that have been able to volunteer in classrooms. Your involvement plays a crucial role in creating a positive and supportive atmosphere for our teachers and children.
Working Bees: Whether you were busy painting seats, tending to the garden, cleaning out sheds or assisting with other various tasks, we thank you! Your contribution is invaluable.
Monty First Nation Allies: Thank you for your work in helping to promote cultural awareness and sensitivity within our school community. We look forward to further opportunities for shared learning in 2024.
Special Events: The success of our school events relies heavily on the support of volunteers! I cannot simply list the many jobs that were filled over the year! Whether you baked a cake, turned a snag (or 600!), assisted with pack up and set up at events,
etc. - WE THANK YOU! Your involvement is valued and appreciated.
We are thrilled about the prospect of more opportunities in 2024 involving parents and carers in various aspects of our school community, particularly now that we have our new building. Watch this space!
School Values:
As we continue our journey towards providing an enriching and supportive learning environment for our students, we are excited to share with you some updates regarding our school values.
Our core values have always been the foundation of our school's culture, shaping the experiences and growth of each student. After consideration and collaboration with our students and staff, we have decided to refine and emphasise four key values that we believe are essential for the holistic development of our students:
Connection, Compassion, Courage, and Curiosity.
Connection: In a world that is increasingly interconnected, fostering meaningful connections is more crucial than ever. We aim to cultivate an environment where students, staff, and parents feel a sense of belonging and collaboration. By promoting open communication and a strong sense of community, we hope to instill a deep appreciation for the value of connection in our students.
Compassion: Empathy and compassion are fundamental qualities that we strive to develop in our students. Our school community is committed to creating a supportive space where individuals feel understood, valued, and cared for. By emphasising compassion, we aim to nurture a culture of kindness and understanding that extends beyond the walls of our classrooms.
Courage: Building resilience and courage is integral to preparing our students for the challenges they may face in the future. We encourage our students to embrace challenges, take risks, and learn from both successes and setbacks. Through cultivating courage, we hope to empower our students to navigate the complexities of life with confidence and resilience.
Curiosity: We believe that fostering a curious mindset is essential for lifelong learning. Our goal is to ignite and nurture the natural curiosity within each student, encouraging them to explore, question, and discover. By promoting curiosity, we aim to instill a love for learning that extends beyond the classroom and into all aspects of their lives.
We are excited about the positive impact these values will have on our school community. As partners in your child's education, we invite you to reinforce these values at home and engage in conversations that support their growth in connection, compassion, courage, and curiosity.
Christmas Concert
Thanks again to all of the families that attended our recent Christmas Concert! Not only was it an amazing way to bring in the festive season as well as having a dance and a laugh - it was also one of the final fundraising events for the 2023 year.
We had a very successful cake stall and BBQ and we thank all of those families who either baked or lent a hand cooking and selling sausages. The profit from the evening totalled $1766.55.
Our final fundraising push for 2023 is our Christmas Raffle. There are 23 amazing hampers to be won (see phots below), there are still plenty of tickets for sale which can be purchased here. Ticket sales close at 12 midday on Monday, 18th of December. The winners will be announced at our final assembly, also on Monday.
Reporting Update
Your child’s Semester 2 end of year report is now available for you to view on Compass.
Upon reading your child’s Semester 2 report, you will notice some important changes to the formatting and information that your teacher is providing.
The first change is an expansion of the ‘Work Habits’ assessment criteria. Previously, reports have only provided indicators for effort and behaviour. Moving forward, teachers will use the five-point scale to also report on resilience, organisation and capacity to work with others.
The teacher comment section has been reduced to only include information about your child’s personal, social and emotional capabilities.
The Learning Intentions have expanded to provide a more thorough indication of how your child is performing academically across the different Numeracy and Literacy strands. These include: Number & Algebra, Measurement & Geometry, Statistics & Probability, Writing, Reading and Speaking & Listening. The Learning Intentions are based on the Victorian Curriculum content descriptors.
Heartfelt wishes to you and your loved ones for a safe and joyous Christmas.
Take care, everyone and we will see you n 2024!
The Leadership Team