Parent's Association

Ice Cream Day at St John's

Last week our students andstaff enjoyed delicious ice-cream cones and cups as a Special Food Day treat. Thank you to Kirsten Connelley for arranging this special treat for the students. 

Halliday Park Picnic

The rain and grey sies didn't dampen the Whole School Hallday Park Picnic yesterday. the drizzle cleare just in time for the each class to head to the park. We were greeted by the smell of sizzling sausages, cooked by a fabulous group of parents, who set-up and began cooking early to ensure the feast was ready for our arrival.

Thank-you to the Parents Association and the volunteer parents for putting on this event for us once again. It is a lovely St John's tradition and with your support we hope that it continues for many years to come.

Mango News

The Mango delivery has been delayed until next next Thursday 21 December, due to the poor weather conditions. 

As the school will be closed delivery will be from the Church, in the Narthex 

between 3.30 - 6.00pm.

Thank you to Donna Bright for coordinating this fundraiser.