Colour Run

Next Friday we will be holding our second official Colour Run and the kids and staff are PUMPED about it! Our event will be kicking off at 2:20pm, on the oval, with some presentations and of course another sliming! The kids have been advocating very strongly for Mr Cox to cop a bucket full of slime again - but we will have to wait for the day to arrive to see what will happen…


The afternoon will be one full of fun and laughs, however, there are a few messages we wanted to let everyone know before the event itself to limit any problems once you pick up your colourful children from school that afternoon. 


All students are encouraged to wear an old white shirt to school for the day. This is to make the colour really stand out when it gets thrown on them during their laps. Although the colour powder is safe (98.3% cornstarch & 1.7% food dye) the food colouring ingredient will mean that it will stain some clothes. This could also leave some stains on white shoes. 

  • As the colour contains food dye it can stain very light/blonde hair. If there are students that do not want colour-stained hair for the next few days/weeks, we have found that rubbing coconut oil through the hair before they run and then washing it out with cold water afterward helps the colour not stick to the strands. Another option could be to wear a hat! 
  • If you have any concerns about allergies or you do not want your child to participate in the event, can you please let your child’s teacher know. We will ensure that they do not participate in the running/ colouring and can instead take part in our dance corner! 
  • We would recommend that you bring a towel when you collect your child from school that afternoon so that they can dry themselves off, and sit on it in the car to avoid any colouring getting onto the car seat, etc. 

We are inviting our parents to come down to the school at 2:15pm if they would like to watch the event. You will be able to watch the presentations and event as it occurs, and we am sure there will be plenty of opportunities to catch that perfect snap of your child! Our teachers will be taking before and after shots that I am sure will be a sight to see! Our colour run prizes will be ordered shortly! Thank you to everyone for getting their order completed. We are hoping that they will be able to be distributed to the students over the next couple of weeks before the end of school.


See you all then!