Work Experience

Chelsea McCallum and Abby Mulquiny

Melbourne Update! 

On Sunday the 19th at 9am, the Year 10 students headed down to Melbourne to begin their two weeks of Work Experience. After arrival, the students unpacked and headed into the city to get their last-minute shopping supplies! On the Sunday night we were greeted by a familiar face... Ernest! 


The first morning came around quickly and the students were off! Only a few sleep in's, and they made it to their Workplaces. There were a few tired faces at dinner Monday night - Chinese was on the menu.  


Tuesday night, Beau had the amazing opportunity to be a part of the Man Cave Live Stream - a community that he has be a part of for the last few years, therefore, this was a very surreal and exciting experience for him! Beau is also the first Work Experience student they have had. 

Read to board the bus to Melbourne.
Arrived at the accomodation
It's Ernest!
Busy filling in their Work Place Log Books at dinner.
Monday nights dinner
Live dumpling show!
Read to board the bus to Melbourne.
Arrived at the accomodation
It's Ernest!
Busy filling in their Work Place Log Books at dinner.
Monday nights dinner
Live dumpling show!
Man Cave Facilitators thanking Beau for choosing Man Cave
Beau sitting with the Man Cave facilitators on the Live Stream
Man Cave Facilitators thanking Beau for choosing Man Cave
Beau sitting with the Man Cave facilitators on the Live Stream