North Central Trade Training Centre

Natasha Saunders

VET Community Services - NCTTC


Excursion to Tafe & Scope


Prior to finishing, the VET Community Services class participated in a range of fun & interesting activities which extended their learning.


The class & their teacher, Jan Miletic, headed to Bendigo for a tour of Tafe & Scope.

At Bendigo Tafe they were met by Vince Murtagh (Schools Relationship Partner) who took them on a tour of the facilities. They briefly saw the bakery & back of house in the hospitality section & visited the Community Service area of Early Childhood Learning. Vince explained the courses, enrolment & facilities offered by Tafe for Early Childhood. They also went to the Allied Health & Community Service areas of Pathology, Nursing & Aged Care & Rehabilitative services.


They visited Scope in Long Gully; one of Victoria’s largest disability service providers. Kylie Rowe (Lifestyle Options Co-ordinator) & Alison Woods (Team Leader), led a tour of the facilities & explained the clientele that Scope works with & the programs developed for day activities/programs. Kylie & Alison also explained the different careers involved in disability care & the pathways they took to be in their positions. Discussion of communication & interpersonal skills were discussed, as were other transferable skills.


Food Share Cooking project

For the final project of the year, the class were tasked with providing 10 – 15 meals per group for Food Share. Each group were allowed $15 to complete their task & the aim of the project was sustainability, in terms of catering for as many people as possible on a budget. 


The groups did a great job preparing curried sausages with rice, chicken & pasta, tofu with rice & honey soy vegetables & rice with honey mustard chicken.


Each group realised the financial potential of having raw ingredients to work with instead of packaged/processed ingredients, as the benefit was healthier food & a much larger bulk of food for the cost. The students made a total of 39 meal containers which were frozen & delivered to Food Share.


Big thanks to Jan for organising such rich learning experiences for our VET students.