Years 10-12 Coordinator

Meaghan King

Year 7 to 10 Science Texts for 2024

The Science text books currently being used by Charlton College at Years 7 to 10 are no longer available to purchase new.  There are 2nd editions available but, although they have similar content, their layout is quite different making it impossible to use in combination with 1st edition texts in Science classes. 


Therefore, as indicated on the book lists, it will be necessary for families to acquire second hand texts. Teachers will be able to assist with this, but please encourage your child(ren) to ask a student in the level below if they need a text and/or ask a student in the level above could they buy their text. There are also a number of used texts available for purchase if you contact Leonie McGurk at school on 5491 1280.


Please note – as requested in previous years, if there are families who have extra texts at home which are not being utilized, please take them to the office at school and a buyer could be arranged for them.  Make sure the name of the seller is included as well as the asking price.  The relevant texts are shown below.



Reminders - Year 12 Students


Deakin Regional Access Scheme – OPEN NOW

Federation Uni Early Offer – Close 1st December


VCE Unit 3 & 4 Results/ATAR: 

Monday 11th December 2023 


Change of Preference for VTAC December Round Offers: 

Close Wednesday 13th December 2023 @ 4:00pm


VTAC December Round Offers:

Thursday 21st December 2023 (2:00pm)


Victoria Police | Careers Information Session, Online

Monday November 27th, 6pm – 7pm

Victoria Police is hosting an online information session for members of the community who are interested in a career with Victoria Police.

Hear from us about the recruitment process and training at the Police Academy. It's also your opportunity to ask questions you have about police careers and pathways.

To register visit: 


Year 10 - Apply for Uni Step Up Online in 2024

Current Year 10 (soon to be Year 11) students in regional / remote areas are invited to apply for ACU’s 2024 Uni Step Up Online program, with applications open now.

Uni Step-Up Online is a free online program that gives student the opportunity to study first-year units outside of regular school hours and if successful, gain two university credits (applicable to other universities) and an unconditional offer to a relevant ACU course.

This program is ideal for students interested in Health, Business or Exercise Science fields and would like to take a first step towards achieving their career goals. Uni Step-Up students are supported throughout the program, upskilled in Academic literacy, and given access to all ACU resources.


La Trobe | YOU-DID-IT Fest

Friday December 7, 2023 - Bundoora Campus

Visit us one last time before you get your ATAR results. You can get course advice to prepare yourself for Change of Preference, discover our pathway options, and check out our support services. Of course, there’s fun stuff too, so bring your friends and support people along to enjoy free food, prizes and music and celebrate finishing Year 12, because YOU DID IT! 


The impact of technology on Apprenticeships

Apprenticeships have been around for a long, long time. Traditionally, they involved hands-on experience in traditional trade areas, such as building, craftsmanship, and cooking. Trade areas have grown over time to include things like engineering, plumbing, electrical, healthcare, and more. But the emergence of digital tools and automation has changed skills that are essential in the workforce.


Digital literacy is key

While apprenticeships previously focused on just mastering manual skills, there is a growing demand for digital literacy. No matter what your job is, you’re probably going to need to use a variety of different technologies in your day-to-day work.


Embracing automation and AI

The integration of automation and artificial intelligence (AI) has not only changed the way we work but has also influenced the skills apprentices need to thrive. 


Soft skills for success

While technical skills are undoubtedly important, soft skills are becoming increasingly valuable too. Effective communication, adaptability, and critical thinking are skills that employers value no matter what job you’re applying for.


Read more about apprenticeships and traineeships here: