Catholic Identity

If there is one word that we should never tire of repeating, it is this: dialogue. We are called to promote a culture of dialogue by every possible means and thus to rebuild the fabric of society.’
Pope Francis- Address upon receiving the Charlemagne Prize, May 6, 2016
St. Mel's Parish Sacramental Program ~
What a beautiful night it was on Thursday 30th November as our Sacramental children made their First Reconciliation. Fr Rene led our community in prayer and our families supported each of our candidates. We continue to pray for all our Sacramental children as they continue their journey next year as they prepare for Confirmation & First Eucharist.
St. Mel's End of Year & Graduation Mass ~ All Welcome
This a beautiful opportunity to acknowledge our Year 6 Student Leaders & farewell them as they start their Secondary School journey. It is also a great celebration of our 2023 school year and would love to see our whole school community in attendance.
Our Picnic Tea is a great celebration after our Mass. Feel free to BYO your family's dinner or a BBQ will be provided. Spare BBQ Order Forms at our school office.
Advent ~
'Advent is a journey towards Bethlehem. May we let ourselves be drawn by the light of God made man.' Pope Francis
The word “Advent” comes from the Latin word, 'adventus' which means “a coming, approach, arrival.” When we expect guests to arrive at our homes, we turn the lights on; we anticipate their arrival and welcome them with joy. In Advent, we prepare our homes and churches as we joyfully anticipate His arrival, and the light also gets brighter as we near Christmas day, the day on which the Light of the World was born.
With the beginning of Advent, last Sunday 3rd December, at school we have begun to prepare for the coming of Jesus. Our beautiful Advent Liturgies have been a highlight of this. During these liturgies we focus on the meaning of each week of Advent and our students led us in ways we can 'be ready' for Jesus' birth.
At each of our liturgies, you will see our Advent Wreath ~ Our children learn that the circular shape of the Advent wreath symbolizes God’s infinite love for us – it is never-ending, just like the true Light of the World. The materials of the Advent wreath similarly lead us to reflect on the everlasting nature of God; traditionally, Advent wreaths have been made of evergreen leaves, such as pine or fir, which maintain their green colour beyond the season in which they are collected.
The candles on our Advent Wreath also have rich meaning and we focus on the words of hope, peace, joy & love in each of the weeks of Advent:
Week 1 - Hope (Purple)
During the first week, we light the Prophet’s Candle as we focus on the virtue of hope. This week is a time to acknowledge that Jesus is coming. We should begin preparing our hearts to welcome Him at Christmas.
Week 2 - Peace (Purple)
The second candle on the Advent wreath represents Peace. Like the first candle, it is also purple. Often called the “Bethlehem Candle,” the second Advent candle reminds us of Mary and Joseph’s journey from Nazareth to Bethlehem before Mary gave birth to Jesus.
Week 3 - Joy (pink) ~ Gaudete Sunday
The third candle of Advent symbolizes Joy. As we continue to approach Christmas Day, our joy grows more and more. The third candle takes us back to the joyful anticipation of the shepherds who journeyed to see Jesus in Bethlehem, even before the wise men. On this third Sunday of Advent, which the Church calls “Gaudete Sunday,” meaning rejoice or praise, we light the third candle and rejoice like the shepherds. For this reason, the third candle of Advent is called the “Shepherd’s Candle,” and its colour is pink, the liturgical colour for joy.
Week 4 - Love (purple)
The fourth candle of Advent represents Love, the ultimate love of God that He might send His only Son for us. Called the “Angel’s Candle,” the fourth candle of Advent is lit the Sunday before Christmas, and it is the colour purple, leading us to eagerly await the new Kingdom of God on earth.
Have you got an Advent Wreath for your home? Could you make one together as a family?
Also, remember to keep an eye out for our Kindness Christmas Bear 'Kenzie' ~ who will help us prepare during the Season of Advent by continuing our Kindness Mission. Kenzie's favourite hobby is 'Spreading Joy'! We can't wait to see what she gets up to in the coming week.
Join us in celebrating Luisa's commitment to St. Mel's (40 years) & Catholic Education (52 years!)
We can not wait to celebrate Luisa and her contribution to our St. Mel's Community. We have so much to thank Luisa for, we are so blessed to have had her as such an instrumental part of our school community for the past 40 years. Luisa's love of learning, knowledge, faith, love of God & scripture is inspiring. Luisa leads & supports our staff, our families & our children in so many ways, especially in finding ways to pray, learn, be mindful, regulate and stay calm. Please join us in thanking Luisa this Thursday.
Fr Rene's Installation Mass ~
What an occasion, a Mass filled with ritual, symbols & blessings, con-celebrated by Bishop Shane, Fr Rene, Fr Ruel & 12 other priests from our diocese & the Rogationist Community. Thank you to all those in our community who were able to attend.
St. Mel's Giving Tree ~
It is a beautiful tradition at St. Mel's that each year we provide Christmas gifts for people in need in our community, through the help and support of the St. Vincent de Paul Society.
If you are able to and wish to donate, please provide a small gift that was been wrapped and labelled for whom the gift would be suitable. For example 10-year-old boy, Girl - 5 years. Gifts can be sent to school with students and they can be placed under our Giving Tree in our school foyer.
On the last Wednesday of school, the gifts will be given to St. Vinnie's for distribution before Christmas. What a wonderful way to share in the spirit of joy and hope this Christmas Season. Thank you for your support.
Thank you to everyone who supported our 3/4 Bake Sale ~ with the proceeds buying so many gifts to go under our giving tree. See 'News from Around the School' for the Christmas Adventure our 3/4's embarked on.
Christmas Cards for Catholic Missions
Please see the flyer below ~ We will start selling these next week before & after school and from the office.
May the joy & peace of Christmas be with you and your family,
Danae Napier
Deputy Principal / Religious Education Leader.
St Mels Church Bulletin & other important information:
Dear Parishioners of St Mel's and St Malachy's, Fr. Ruel's 45th Our Assistant Priest is turning 45 on the 13th of December, and we plan to throw a Bring-A-Plate celebration for him. It would be amazing if you could join us and be a part of this special occasion. Let's come together and celebrate the wonderful gift that Fr. Ruel is to our community. We'll have lots of fun activities, delicious food, and opportunities to thank the Lord for this amazing human being. So, please mark your calendars and let's make it a day to remember. See you there!
Parish Bulletin Our Bulletin has recently undergone some changes. We have given it a new look and added new features to make it more engaging and interesting for you to read. We hope that you will appreciate the new format and continue to enjoy reading our Bulletin. Additionally, we have included the Bulletin of St. Malachy's on our website. To avoid publishing two Bulletins on the same day, we have assigned St. Malachy's on Saturdays and St. Mel's on Sundays.
Our New Website We have some exciting news to share! Along with the updates to our Bulletin, we've recently launched a brand new website. The website went live during the Solemnity of Christ the King, and we encourage you to visit it at There's a wealth of information available on the site about our programs, community, and schools, and we believe you'll find it both informative and easy to navigate.
Volunteers Needed We are currently seeking volunteers who can give their time to assist us. Whether you can spare just an hour a week or several hours, we welcome your help. We are in need of individuals who are skilled in encoding information in Microsoft Excel, young people who can assist us with graphic designs using Canva, and children who are interested in becoming altar servers. Additionally, we require people who can lend a hand with Church cleaning, assist with liturgical planning, or participate in singing during Mass celebrations. If you are interested in volunteering, please do not hesitate to reach out to us. You can reply to this email or send a direct email to me at Although the email address may be lengthy, I appreciate any and all messages received.